my camping trip so far

Eh, it could’ve been worse.

I arrived to the camping site where I have to be left for 2 weeks (with my laptop of course) with 2 partners and no adults (except for 3 instructors). A lot of kids including my friends Aaron and Jay was there. So the instructors seperated us into groups of 3 in a tent. Luckily, Aaron was with me. Unluckily, a girl by the name of Sara was with us. The instructor said we were all going to go hiking tomorrow. As nightfall approaches, everyone was about to go to sleep. I changed into my teddy bear pajama’s (im only 11 -_-) in the washrooms. Aaron was like “awwww teddy bears, how cute!” Eventually, I told him to shut up. Me, Aaron, and Jay crawled out of our tents quitely (but jay had to step on Sara’s hand so she punched and slapped on the face o.O) and had a burping contest. We accidently woke the instructors up so they told us to go back in our tents. As me and Jay crawled back in, Jay blew a HUGE fart and woke Sara up. Jay blamed it on me so I got hurt in the you know what. When the sun finally rised, Everyone took a bowl of oatmeal and went back to thier tents to eat it. I said I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t take any. Sara offered to share some of her oatmeal with me but I just said its ok. “ooooooooh, she likes you!,” Aaron said. I kicked him in the stomach and it probably hurted. 2 hours later, we went hiking on a very steep and rocky path. Me and Jay were fooling around and he pushed me. As a result, I fell down and landed on my right arm hard and sprained it. Since Jay and Sara were my partners, they helped walk me back to the tent and put a sling on my arm.

Still got 10 more days left or something like that.

I know this post short but it’s only been like 3 or 4 days

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