The New Orbis Outlet

THAT’S RIGHT THE NEW ORBIS OUTLET! Just make an account and go! I myself have not tried it yet, but I am making an account.

Here is the link: link

The site is called, But if you are going to visit please capitalize the P and C in Perion and in Corner.

Edit: Site should work now.

16 thoughts on “The New Orbis Outlet”

  1. -Sigh- I’ve been beaten to this. I was thinking of creating a new OO. Meh, It is laggy though.

    Edit : This skill section (Main useage for comicmakers/animators) is messy

  2. Ah we can just get skills from Banned Story 2.0 offline. But yeah. Everything is alright in the world now.

  3. Wow, now comics will be much easier to make!

    ~LaZzz. . .(First one to actually thank the person)

  4. Uh, I can’t get to it. o_o

    Characters and skills should be good enough though to have at my disposal. It isn’t too much of an effort to take my own screenies…

    But it still sucks. Why isn’t the link working?! D<

  5. Doooooooo0ooouble comment = Double the intensity of the first comment!

    I forgot what I was going to say…

    Er, wait– I made an account at the PerionCorner, but it’s a tad confusing and whattnot. I noticed Dest1 commented on the homepage-blog thingy, and so did I! Twice! ^^

    So, then, yah. I’ll probably just be using that place for a few effects not currently availble in BS2, but for the most part, I’mma just do the work myself and take my own screenies, no? There’s a whole bunch of monsters thought that Hidden-Street and MapleTip don’t have, but it’s just so confusing! How the hell am I s’posed to find what monster I need out of 185 unlabeled pages? o_O;;

  6. Meh, it’s alright. But MapleDump is good too.
    o_O @Knife: Well, lots of people like challenging themselves.

  7. Ganzicus said: “-sigh- BS 2.0 has removed most of the editing skill requirements for comics

    BannedStory is one of the most basics.

  8. If you guys thinks it’s bad, Google “The Maplestory Archive” Theres a few things missing, But its organized. Well, Npc’s arent

  9. MasterCheeze said: “There’s a whole bunch of monsters thought that Hidden-Street and MapleTip don’t have, but it’s just so confusing! How the hell am I s’posed to find what monster I need out of 185 unlabeled pages? o_O;;”

    I was thinking the same, its very hard to find some monsters. I also tired to find some skills, like Savage Blow, but it is just too confusing.

  10. Anima said: “If you guys thinks it’s bad, Google “The Maplestory Archive” Theres a few things missing, But its organized. Well, Npc’s arent”


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