Yes this is a guide to find ALL ( or at least most) of the clone bosses located everywhere. I have not used any other guide or anything else, this is just a reference ( with a short blog at the end) based on my own experiences.
King Slime is found at Perion Dungeon Entrance ( Not the first one, the last map before going into the dungeon)
Alisher is found somewhere in Sky Terrace ( In ludibrium for those who don’t know)
Jr. Balrog Is found at Ant Tunnel IV ( 4)
Papa Pixie is found in the map with Spiruana’s house
That’s basically all I know, but if you know more maps then please tell me in the comments. This once again was just to tell you where the boss clones are.
All the clones drop cakes. Strawberry cream cakes heal ( I think) 1,600 HP and MP. Chocolate cakes heal 1,800 HP and MP. Chocolate cream cakes heal 1,400 HP and MP. Cheesecakes heal 1,200 HP and MP. And the best cake is a Wedding cake which heals 2,000 HP and MP.
This again is ONLY for informational purposes. Please do not tell me I copied off someone’s website or anything, and besides if I did wouldnt I just send a link?
Well if you want blog now I guess I can squeeze one out.
My character, who turned level 45, just went to 50% today. Nothing new there. Took me a while though because of my summer school which is from 10:00 A.M to 6:00 A.M. And yes I got gachapon tickets, only to find out that it would r**e me. I got scrolls which varied from 10-70%s I’m trying to sell them, but it’s too much of a hassle to have that many auctions on basil. I got some good equips and some bad including an above average HINOMARU FAN. Well uh I guess that’s it. Hope the guide helped you out. Cleric here, signing out.
Sorry but no pics because the computer is being a bi**h .
Ahh, sweet. I had no idea where any of the fake bosses were (‘cept Papalatus, but I’ve never seen him anyways).
Wait, an above average Hinomaru Fan is bad? o_o
Also, Alishar is found in the Toy Factory and Crimson Balrog at the Icy Valley thing. And Papalettuce is found near Death Teddies.
Dang, how long have I been away from MS?
They have clone boss monsters now?
Heres one with more info. Its not mines in case you havent noticed.
~Burning Soul
My sister found the king slime one map to the left of Kerning City.

Kerning City Construction Site, I believe it’s called?
She pwned it at lvl 20, then did PQ, and found out how hard he really is at that lvl.
I killed the eff’ing Fake Slime King in one hit. o_o
2 hits for me on my sin. I found the one in the Dungeon.
your summer school lasts over 12 hours? o.0