This blog has no point at all. Absolutely, actually, categorically, cert, conclusively, decidedly, decisively, def, definitely, doubtless, easily, exactly, positively, precisely, really, right on, straight out, sure enough, surely, truly, unambiguously, unconditionally, unquestionably no, that means AWOL, astray, away, bag, blitz, cutting, elsewhere, ghost, gone, hooky, missing, no-show, out, removed, vanished , point at all. Which means for all you people that just decided to skip, that means if you have decided to cut, desert, disregard, dog it, escape, eschew, flee, knock off, leave out, miss, miss out, neglect, omit, pass over, pass up, play hooky, run away, skim over, split, then here os the point.
This blog has no point.
Except I got to 80% on my mage. Can that be a point?
Are you kidding me? Gorillas with two samurai swords can be a point?
What about if you put in an elephant with a let’s say a chocolate bar? Would that be a point?
What? What readers? Oh right.
So yesh, I got to 80%.
Yes I used a lower cased O because it’s not that surprising. And right now I really hate my keyboard because it keeps on jamming the A key.
So um, is that it? Yesh I guess that is.
Here’s a joke.
Ok so there were three people. Wait before I continue I must give a disclaimer: these people are HYPOTHETICAL meaning that they don’t exist. Ok so three people named MasterCheese( again hypothetical), Ganzicus, and oh let’s say lazydame. One day they found a mirror and beneath it, it said if you tell the truth you will get your fondest desire.
So lazydame went up first and said
” I think I’m the funniest.”
And poof he dissapeared. Next was Ganzicus, and he said..
” I think I’m the smartest.”
And poof he dissapeared. Next was MasterCheese, and he said…
” I think-“
And well poof he dissapeared.
No offense to the people mentioned above, but again these people were hypothetical.
Another one here.
Once upon a time there was two people a smart guy and a dumb guy. There were three statues one showed Athlas with his hands in the air looking frustrated, a statue that showed someone pointing out his finger to the third sculpture, and the third sculpture showed a man in deep concentration with his hand covering his face. So the dumb guy thought the three sculptures were telling a story. And that story was
” Who farted?”
” You farted”
” I farted.”
Look at picture 1 for reference.
Ok now bye
You’re a dork. *dissapears*
Yay, I told the truth.
That was seriously a good joke though. 
I might not be the funniest person, but bydogit! I will search the galaxy to the answer for the shortage of banana milkshakes
NO ONE SHALL STOP ME, not. . .even. . .my. . .MOM!
yay, someone mentioned me!
Woot, you get a golden star! *cough*theoneaboutcheezyseemstobetrue*cough*
~LaZzz. . .
wow ppl must get pissed at me for always forgetting to like their blogs
and wow cheezy we commented at almost the same time
~LaZzz. . .
ur m0M , l2syd@m3 . /