Yeah, I know it’s been a long time. I’ve been bitten by Maplerz, who had the lazy disease and he passed it on to me.
“Abuban!” I yelled and ran up to him.
“Andy? Is that you? Is it really you?” Abuban muttered quietly to himself as I came up to him.
“Yeah it’s me,” I replied as I helped him up and supported him as I put his hand over my shoulders, Niel came to help.
“Heh, I’m thinking of letting myself rot to death in this wasteland,” Abuban whispered, barely enough for me and Niel to hear.
“Not today, buddy, not today,” Niel said, proudly.
Abuban went unconscious. We decided to set up a camp on the spot, seeing as it was already dusk and the sun was already setting. Niel and Maplerz set up 3 tents, one for the twins, one for them two and one for Abuban. I was gonna stay up and do guard duty. A few hours into my shift, I heard a clanking of boots.
“Maybe Abuban is here, I gotta get him back! Who knows what those strangers could do to him?!” said a mysterious voice in a low voice, “I see someone there, time to take him out!”
A young man in his 30s jumped right at me. I drew my Doombringer just in time and blocked his Colonial Axe. He wore a Dark Battle Road and held a Leomite in his other hand, with he tried to hit me with. I sprang back and his Leomite hit solid ground, resulting in a large hole. He charged at me again but this time he was using his Leomite first. I sprang out of the way a few seconds before impact and threw a Steely at him, which I had purchased recently at Kerning City off of a petty Street Vendor. Unfortunately for me, he had quick reflexes and cleaved the Steely in half with his Colonial Axe. I brought my Doombringer down at him quickly but he also had quick speed as well as reflexes and sprang out of the way.
“Who are you and what do you want?!” I yelled, seeing as this fight was pointless since we were evenly matched.
“Did you kidnap my friend?!” He yelled back as a reply.
The voice had a familiar tone, yet I could vaguely describe it, “Who is your friend?”
“You should know! His name’s Abubanite Tremor, the successor of Adanite Tremor!” He yelled back as he held up his weapons.
The sound suddenly hit me!
“Are you Hectorious Hackster?!” I asked with intent curiosity.
“And who would you be?” he yelled back, confirming his identity.
“Remember when you went into the inn in El Nath to see Duncan?” I asked, testing his memory.
“Yes, that was when Coma decided to go have a life with the Son of Zakum!”
“Do you remember the warrior sitting on the chair?”
“There was no warrior!”
“Your memory has failed you, ally.”
“Ally?! Who are you?!”
“Perhaps you’ve never heard of a White Knight-Chief Bandit Hybrid?”
He lowered his weapons and came closer to me,”Impossible! Andy disappeared fifteen years ago! The same day that Coma decided to spend his life with the boy! His eyes were bla-“
“Black? You did your research,” I said, while showing him my eyes.
“You were there? Then you must know what happened to Iggy!” he exclaimed with joy.
“Sleeping inside that tent.”
We chatted for a bit more and didn’t even notice that the sun was up again. Abuban had woken up a few minutes and came out of the tent.
“Hey Abuban, had a good nights sleep?” I asked.
“Yeah, it wasn’t an inn but better than nothing,” he said while rubbing his back.
“Seems like you slaughtered some more people,” Hector said, seeing the dead bodies.
“Did I do that?” he asked, confused.
“Yeah, your Blood Dagger changed into a Dragon Kris and you went unconscious,” I said.
“Man, I’ve been doing that a lot recently. That’s the fifteenth time in three weeks!” he exclaimed.
A shock happened in my head and I fell to my knees. I clutched my head in pain, then memories reoccurred. I saw a man in a labatory coat.
He seems like a warrior type of person and yet he’s holding a dagger!, said one of the people.
Inject him! Find out his genes!, said a stricter voice.
They injected a liquid into me and a few minutes later, they sucked it out.
Sir! He’s a hybrid!, said the voice of the first scientist.
Very well, put him in the Hybrids Section!, said the second one.
The pain was unbearable at this point and I blacked out.
“Heh, you might’ve fooled some people but I know. . . . . You’re still alive somewhere out there and I will find you,” said a mysterious voice, “and eventually, I’ll kill you. . . . . Heh. . . . .Heheh. . . . . Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!”
I know I don’t write big things but isn’t this one of your smalls ones? anyway nice.
Yes, this is small for my stories, except for my prologue with was like, OD short.
Niiiice! I like it, I had to reread chap 2 to find out who Abuban was. . .Is that. . .Me at the bottom? Because I <3 the laugh! lol
*pokes aznxknife for fun*
Finally, it’s out. Although I’m late to read it. =D
Nice chapter. Btw, who’s Zakum’s son?
Read the first line of the story.
Coma, Iggy?
Noooo, really?!
Muahahhah I will bite a lot of other people and infect the world with the lazy disease!
I’m immune to it now. Just like Chicken Pox.
No, that’s not you. You’re Niel, aren’t you?