This post will be a long story about how I started to play MS. I officially started playing MS 2 years ago. My first experience with MS was on my friends computer. I remember that my Jr. High was on MS fever and almost everyone I knew was playing it. So I decided to check it out. My first character was on Broa. He was a warrior and maybe on the first dexless warriors.(I thought that you only needed to add str :P) So several days after I started playing I realized that my friends were in a entirely different server. So I quit Broa and I went to Bera. In Bera I made my ranger. At first training was slow, but fun at the same time. I met many people while I was in Bera. Let me say this. Bera 2 years ago was the best. No hackers, few really stupid scammers, and very nice people. I used to go on suicide runs and long training sessions. Those times were the best. As time went by I was motivated to train even more since the release of 3rd job. I still remember hitting my 3rd job. It was the best! Several days later……. my was pin changed :0 After that was the birth of my xbow. It was fun, but nothing like my ranger. Couple months later I left Bera and I went to Mardia.
To be continued…………
Some special MS moments
-first character
-getting Maple Soul Searcher on the first day
-talking with Xevaus. He’s the sh!T
-getting nx. I looked horrible
-getting a 12 def panlid. This was before esters and mystics. I still won’t forget it. Some random guy gave it to me. I thought that I was rich when I got it.
-Level 70
-finding Ilbies at Mushmom and Ludi pqing when there were many famous people there
-Being in Maddcoolyo before I went inactive Used to be the best guild ever (in my opinion)
-accidently running into a planned Zakum run party in the fm. I still remember that the Top 10 people were there.
-finding a 1 meso shop full of gach items. I bought them all
-Hopefully making new friends in Mardia and becoming a famous legit there. I want to form a legit alliance in Mardia.
The past has already happened! :O
Those were the good ol’ days.
-=The Nazgul=-
The past, the present and the future .
I managed to get mixed up .
Ah. . the difficulties of managing a brain. .
*Wanders off*