Today I started my new character in Mardia because of the 25k nx that I recently bought. So I bought some new clothes on my character and I went off my merry way. Many people were trading me because of my nx and it didn’t bother me much. So I met a couple of new people and I went to go become a warrior. As I was in Perion I realized that I had little to no funding so I decided to gach 1 ticket at a time. I took the taxi to Heneys and I gached there. My first ticket was a success as I got a red umbrella. I was very excited at that moment and I decided to use another. The second ticket I got an asianic bow ,perhaps first in Mardia? I npced it :P. Then something took over me and i bought 10 gach tickets. They were all horrible and I was crying in my chair. I learned an important lesson today. Gachoupon sucks. So then I went to Amoria to try and get a new hair. After I finally collected my 25 slime bubbles. I turned in the ticket and closed my eyes. It was the worst hair ever. At that point I was suicidal and bought a exp hair coupon. I thought to myself, “If this hair sucks I’m gonna quit.” Zing! I open my eyes and I am blinded. OMG I got a fro. I was very excited and jumping in my chair. As of now I love my hair.
P.S. I can’t believe how cheap scrolls are. 600k for 60% cape int 0.o
P.S.S Anybody on Mardia buddy me. I need friends.
You NPCed an Asianic. o_O O_o
Ahh Gachoupon, the only Real Money Trade accepted by Nexon. Evil little things, they are. If you ever see FrecceDeux (rare occations) feel free to buddy me.
(btw P.S. stands for Post Script, so it’s P.P.S. for Post Post Script, not Post Script Script ^^ )
*smacks forehead*
You NPCed an Asianic
OMGWTHBBQ YOU (cheeky monkey!) HOW COULD YOU DO THAT YOU (female dog) IT’S WORTH HOW MUCH YOU- *gets shot*
Uhh. Sorry
Fros are the AMAZINGEST! I want one!
And as it seems like everyone is going into seizures over you NPCing an asianic, I feel it appropriate to stare at you unnervingly.
People people. You have to understand that there are no legit level 60+ hunters in Mardia yet. Second, I need the money for pots. Third, no one would buy it anyways if I tried to sell it.
Well you could have saved it until the price inflated, couldn’t you?
YOU NPCED AN ASIANIC? what IS WRONG WITH YOU! Sorry for yelling, but that’s amazing.
-=The Nazgul=-