one day when i was training in coolie this lvl 79 preist ks me and i ask if she can change cc or not ks me i was give cuz i was at 95% and i was going to be lvl 65 and she like no because i a pro and i can do what ever i want and so the ks keep on going and i was still at 95% in 30 min so i just keep kill and she mad a big pile of monester and i attack it cuz she kept ksing me and then a lvl 70 armor top for female for theif and a lvl 70 female pant for theif drop and she was trying to pick it up and when i try to pick it up and i got it and she like what that was my and she got pissed
this is a lesson that mapler should not do what pro say it ur charater u can do what u want to do
after that i left to meet my sis and help her do zaku quest and then the lvl 79 perist came up to me with like 2 party and order me to give her the lvl 70 top and pant for female i said no and then the defame starded to comei got defame 20 time but i told my guild my friend and my famliy to defame her and she got mad but i at 120 fame but i dont care i can sell my top and pant to get back my fame
You see, that wasn’t a true “pro” of MS, It is some newb kid who bought their character off of Ebay. The TRUE “pros” of the game respect areas for characters to train at.
Speaking of this, I should make a post about it ^_^
thats true just because some one has a pro acc dosent mean u should obay there every comand you should fight back no mater what lvl they are i agree with Nodaku the person could have just bought the acc or have goten it from a friend
She got PWNED, and I bet she regret Ksing you, did she start stalking you and defaming you?
Well for all that choose to read it, my post is linked below on my “Recent Blog”
yea proz are jerks