Erm, hey. First blog, maybe last.Anyway, I’ve returned from those huge piles of homework which makes any student’s eyes bulge. But heck, I’m not here to talk about that. Ever wondered.. what friends do behind your back?
Do they really deserve the word “friend” to describe them?
Or should I use “liar”?
Not really complaining and I’m also not even in a mood for that. I’m in a mood for cheese.
Just kidding. Well, you know I’m always kidding. But this time, I’m dead serious.
Not about the cheese part, but about the “bad” friend thingy… Aw, you get the point.
This is what I got when I logged in on my Lvl 53 Sin..
“You’ve been expelled from
I’ll just call him friend.
Me:Why did you expel me, friend?
Friend: Hmm? ‘Cause you’re noob, aye.
I was shocked, well, at least momentarily.
That was when I noticed. Goddam it. My account’s mesos. They’re all gone.
Me: My mesos.. You took them.
Friend: So? They don’t matter to you anyway.
Guess what? I was pissed off by him, and, eventually, reported him. I don’t know if I call this luck, but he got banned a few days after. (Yes, this incident happened a few weeks ago. Was too tired, in no mood to write) I got my mesos back. But I must say, never trust your friend. You’ll regret it.
You might not, but remember, you can never trust someone to the extend you actually entrust something valuable to him. He keeps cursing me on his new account, and defames me when he has the chance. (He’s not a real life friend) That’s what friends are for.
Good Friends
Ah, bring back those memories. Sweet, nice, friends. I’ll give anything for that. Anyway, treasure your friends when you have them now, don’t regret after you’ve lost them.
~Remember what you have, don’t ever let go.
*got comment banned on the main*
Those aren’t friends, dude. They’re MORONS. Or something I call, reproductive disability.
These things are easily forgettable, believe me. Once the hatred dissipates, you forget about them and when they come up to you and say whatever vulgarities they want. You’ll just think they’re just a bunch or idiots playing the game in their undies while smoking. People get that high sometimes.
Whatever else fails, you can come here to make new friends!
*hides shuriken behind back*
Talk to me about friends. My best friend hacked my account, and annoucned it to the whole school. Now, everyone’s laughing about me. Yar, I swore revenge on him. Gonna get ‘im soon~~
Sorry for your loss, but NEVER give out your account info to anyone, because no matter how much you think you can trust them, you can’t. Something will always happen and you will lose out in the end.
I always joke around and say “don’t give out your info to someone you can’t beat the crud out of in real life” but I don’t even recommend that, really.
Huh . Your loss is still ok . What i faced was worse . No , she didn’t betray in the game . She betrayed me in real life . Ahh , the days i spend mourning =X
Those people who know the passwords to my accounts. They’ll so get a missile from Pyongyang if they screw my stuff up. >O
hehe Silver
ya those guys are douches
Does that mean everyone in your school knows what Maple is? o.o
& back to the blog: Hmm There’s only one of my RL friends that plays MapleStory, and I know I can trust him. He knows the stuff to my account, I know the stuff to his account. I’ve known this kid since the second grade, and we’re definately best friends. It’s pretty awesome to have friends you can trust, relate to, and just have an overall good time. I should go call him
o.o I trust my family members. Even if they do something bad, I’ll always be right next to them to get revenge. >=D
That’s my friend Lene :3
Yarly . I don’t trust myself .
So I have to trust her .
I only have 1 person i trust, my best friend Julia. Actually, i have parts that only certain people know. Like one of my secrets: 1 friend.
All the other, JULIA! lol, I blurt out a lot of things, so i need Julia to back me up,
I trust no one with my precious accounts. >.>;;
And like Roisin said, never, ever, ever, ever give your account out to someone who is not within shotgun range of you 15/7.
dont give anyone your account info so you will lose everything and they will act like they forgot your pass or pin and say it wasnt them but you will see them shopping in the free market buying things ,
sucks, but all I know is, sadly I think I can trust the people in games more then real-life, the reason is people are two faced and naturally act different in games, but I could care less. In RL I have friends, don’t trust them at all, and thats somthing I’ve learned, ALL PEOPLE IN GENERAL (don’t take offense to this) are asses, they all have greed, and put their own desires first. Sooner you figure that out easier it will be to live life
kick his touche to the ends of the universe. obliviate him into smithereens =D
man. point is, mate, don’t share your account. unless the friend your sharing it w/ is a REAL good friend. imean like. best of the best. i have like four =D and i only share w/ two. lol.
What about sibs?
My sibs know my passwords, and I know theirs. ^^