Crossroads on Eighth Main Alliance Base
Lightning arced through the street, crackling and flickering everywhere. Alexia tumbled into the gutter, narrowly missing hissing strands of lightning. Ozone was rife in the air and the hunter gagged, retching quietly down the drain. The offensive had picked up the pace, a myriad of mages advancing steadily, protected by ranks of warriors and bowmen. Checking his quiver, he noted that he had roughly a dozen arrows left. Cursing, he notched an arrow to his Bow of Magical Destruction. He would have to make every shot count.
The Bottleneck Main Alliance Base
The buttress of the ridge shimmered and glowed a radiant blue before turning transparent. In stark contrast to the earthy colours of the town, the doorway showed the dark unknown of a cavern. Ophelia staggered out, followed by a rush of the wounded vanguard. A score and a half of relieved resistance fighters flooded out and ominously the doorway closed, fading back into the stony wall once again.
Gavrilla muttered darkly as the sardonic smile of the sniper faded away. Suddenly alert, the hermit whirled around, scanning the surroundings. Sapphira wiped her brow and sighed.
Felchan at last. I think we made it just in time. Jordyn, Jui, Tarang, report. Snapped the chief bandit, gesturing with her arm. Mali frowned in distaste as she noticed her blood soaked Bazura.
If no one objects, I would like to create a doorway back to the South base so that reinforcements may arrive quicker. The priest murmured; her expression serene. Gavrilla and several others nodded in approval and the priest deftly created a doorway back to the south.
Emerson stagged weakly into the light, coughing up blood as he did so. The harsh and sporadic battle a few moments ago had drained him of his energy. Amidst the urgent conversation and furtive moments, sound left the assassins ears and without warning, he crumpled on the earthen street. His vision distorted, a kaleidoscope of colour before he slowly closed his eyes. His breathing slowed as the adrenaline seeped out of his body, leaving a tired and stressed body behind.
Ophelia leant against a wall, breathing heavily. The mental strain had almost claimed her and as she braced herself with her bow, she realised how lucky they really were. Her slender fingers ached and she doubted that she could effectively fire arrows for the time being. Verity came beside her and placed her hand on the guild masters shoulder. With a smile, the rangers acknowledged each other and rested against the wall.
Sapphira frowned at the current report, Jordyn and Tarang facing her meekly, awaiting the chief bandits response. Fiddling with her black canal hood, Sapphira took a deep breath and exhaled.
Only thirty two left out of the original sixty? And Jui didnt make it? Dark Lord
She sighed, massaging her forehead. Momentarily she turned away and screamed obscenities that made even the most roughened fighter wince.
All right, we need to set up a parameter and scout for resistance forces, theyre somewhere here and with the fighting I can hear in the distance, the enemy sounds close. Sapphira ordered, her eyes cold.
Those murderous scum are going to pay for our lives in blood!
Ladan wormed his way forward, using the available rubble for cover. It had seemed that the Dark Apostles had managed to infiltrate a group deep into the city. Chemdiya and Rune brought up the back, making sure that other enemy forces could not sneak up on them. Paki steadied his composite bow as soon as they got in range. Ladan arranged the five other members consisting of three warriors, one archer and a wizard behind a derelict guardhouse. Just in front of them was a twenty metre bridge, made from the finest stonemasons in El Nath, before the intruders. Chemdiya shuffled up to the officer and squinted at the Dark Apostles.
I count twenty-nine. Composite mix of classes, all foot soldiers. She muttered, drawing an arrow.
I count thirty-four. On your command. Ladan replied raising his bow. Rune reloaded his Marine Raven and set a warrior in his sights.
Raynard was helping support a wounded Gates when the ambush began. The bandit had barely time to react before two arrows crippled his legs and both he and Gates collapsed. Zephan, still preoccupied with his chest wound, was killed instantly as a crossbow bolt impacted into his forehead. Clarity reacted with blinding speed, White Nisrock raised and steel arrow notched. Yan Hang erected a magic guard around the majority of the vanguard but had to diminish the radius as his strength was still weak. Raynard attempted to stand back up and as a result was slain by a magic claw that sent blood spraying from his abdomen.
The surprise attack had stunned the vanguard long enough for several warriors to engage mostly unopposed. Fortune vaulted backwards as a blade sliced through the air. Regaining his posture, he lashed out with his red whip, grazing his opponents cheek. As the warrior reeled back, he wound the whip around the blade and deftly disarmed him. Before Fortune could finish him off, a steel arrow embedded itself into his opponents neck, dropping him instantly. Gavrilla flash jumped over another swordsman and headed towards the concealed archers.
Sapphira blocked an incoming arrow with her unique Dragon Caesar and pushed her subordinates down as more arrows snapped past. Mali dutifully kept the doorway open, wincing slightly as an arrow struck her shoulder. Vincenzo, with the help of Nezumi located and dragged fallen bodies behind a row of market stalls. Within minutes of their arrival, they had been attacked again, were the Dark Apostles this efficient? Sapphira wondered as she took off behind Gavrilla, flash jumping towards enemy.
Rune dropped his empty quiver and focused his mind to create soul arrows. The attack had gone relatively well, as far as the force ratio was concerned, outnumbered almost three to one, they had manage to break up the force, several members fleeing behind the buildings.
Be not that far from me, for trouble is near; haste Thee to help me. The sniper intoned, lining up for another shot. With a shudder, the soul arrow streaked across the bridge and struck an enemy archer in the shoulder, causing her to drop her bow. Reloading, he scanned the area for another target.
Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. Rune intoned solemnly, and fired.
Gavrilla was nearly upon the hidden archers when instinctively; she darted sideways, narrowly avoiding a ilbi. The guild leader had to arch her back to avoid the next one, causing her to use her hand to brace herself when she hit the ground, propelling herself back into the air. She guessed where the hidden assassin was and launched a series of Maple Stars back in response. As soon as she landed, the attack appeared behind her. Before she could react, a blade skimmed across her back, causing her to cry out in pain.
Chemdiya dropped down and signalled to Ladan. They were almost out of arrows, mostly due to the extensive fighting earlier. Right now Chemdiya could tell that they had exploited the enemy as much as they could, if they stayed there any longer, they would be overrun.
Ladan, we have to move, they must have figured out our position by now. We need to encircle them or something or otherwise were toast. Maybe I should go right.
They way you run? I dont think so. Ladan answered darkly. Chemdiya frowned but ignored it for now.
Maybe I should go left? Chemdiya suggested insistently, edging left.
Maybe you should shut up! Ladan roared angrily.
Well maybe you should respect your superiors! Chemdiya retorted.
Im sorry, maybe you should shut up, sir! Ladan snapped. Chemdiya was about to strip him of his rank when she noticed a lone figure almost upon them. She raised her bow and was about to fire when she recognised the person. Her eyes widened in surprise and yelled as loud as she could.
Last of the Shadow Foxes: 16 Gridlock
It’s all so sadly desperate.
I can’t wait to see things actually start turning up good for these people, sosuemyneedforoptimism.
Oh it’s ok ^_^ i can understand, i’m also busy with projects.
another great chapter man. the detailed description is as good as always
. can’t wait till next one ^_^
^^ Thanks for reading. o_O Am I paranoid or am I losing viewers.
My work must be terrible! *Cries*
Fable: That’s right, where ARE you people. Is this story that BAD? I shall hunt you down and –
Axiom: He was being sarcastic.
Fable: Right, but he still feels bad.