Back to Maple…

Yes, well, I’m back in Maple. Which sucks, lot’s of eggs. I was damn shure this time I would break away from this damn addicting game, Maplestory. But did I? No.


This time I started in Scania, though I will log onto my Bera account at random times.
So be careful, because I CAN POP OUT LIKE A NINJA, ANYTIME I WANT!


My Scanian account is level 12 now. If anyway wants to buddy me, I’ll be more than glad to accept.
Between you and me, I don’t have much buddies in Scania…yet.

Oh yeah, can’t buddy me if you don’t know my new account. Name is Captay.

I think it’s original, don’t you think so? Me and my friend had an argument, about who’s IGN is more “original”.
Which one do you think is?



Choose now!

Anywhoo, I got some NX cash. I could get it anytime, actually. Well, during the day. Since they sell it at the Rite Aid shop down the block from where I live.

Awesome ain’t it?

No worries though, I’m not going to be all addicted to NX like I used to be.

Heh, guess what, I got the same eyes as my old account. And I bought the random eye changer thing at Henesys. Awesome ain’t it?
I have about 100 NX cash left, won’t get me anything. I’ll probably save it up.

pic 1-How I look like

Actually, I’m level 13, I leveled twice today.

I. Need. Moar. Moneys.

Yeah, funny thing, my friend started a guild and said if we joined (other friends that played Maple) he’d give us 5mil every month.
What a nice guild leader.
Still, I think it’s a ****ing waste of money, who the hell spends that much money ON A FREAKING GAME?
Damn rich people.

Another funny thing, me and friends were going to a movie today (went) and my guild leader was supposed to get married. But he sleeps through it, luckily, the wedding didn’t start yet. It was just the time. So the wedding started when we were about to leave.

We didn’t get to attend the wedding. : Not nice!

I don’t have much to blog about.

Processing…processing, -Dominosx logging out.
-Happy teh Mapling.
pic 2-random

9 thoughts on “Back to Maple…”

  1. lol oh yeah, they called dark mousey in DN Angel :p Lolz, 100k nx is a lot too me, I only had 35k nx the whole time i played this game

  2. Captay is more original.


    You:This guy’s crazy
    Some other guy: Ditto on that one.

  3. I like “MouseKi” better. >O

    Thaz what we call my friend. He was gonna be MouseKiller in Double07: Nightfire, but there wasn’t enough room for the whole name and “MouseKi” was born. ;D

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