All posts by zygrene92

Love and Death II

ok i got only 1 person who commented me and didnt leave a 1 person liked it thing so upset :'( lol well here it goesSSSS!


We left off with our hero John seeing his friend Paul badly injured and swore whoever did this was gonna die and his new found girlfriend saw that John is both a tough and nice guy…….”John don’t worry Paul will be fine nothing is gonna happen to him.” John thought to himself Pffft wish i can believe that. “Well doesn’t matter i swore and i don’t intend on breaking it….Paul is my only friend he was like a brother to me. My family died and nobody got close to me except Paul he came right up to me and we started a journey together.” “Now i see why you want to get that person whoever did this badly.” “Yes.” the moment was broken up when they heard a loud bang outside. read more

Love and Death Survey

Ok so far there is John, Paul, Stacy, The Legendary Five. They will meet a d new person but someone has to die so you pick who its gonna be.

Stacy Paul Someone from Legendary Five

who dies? choose 1 person

They met these new people-
BioGeneticX- a Crusader lvl 90
ZeroXY- a Hermit lvl 89
Pulsok- Magician ( 3rd advancement for fire/ poison ) lvl 91
Ragrokz- A Priest lvl 95
choose at least 2 people here read more

Love and Death 1

ok this is my 1st series thing so dont be sooo harsh plz =) thank you

John a very strong Chief Bandit was walking around the peaceful town of Henesys thinking it was a beautiful day. “So its been a year at least since it happened.” John sighed and decided to call a couple of his friends and go to the grassy, and magical town of Ellinia. He called up his friend Paul who was involved with him and the accident that happened. “Hey John whats up buddy… ok?” “Yeah i just feel a little light-headed but im ok.” They walked up the taxi and john paid for both of them and arrived at Ellinia. read more

Battle at Dawn II

The Cleric now a Priest named Dizzy and the Fighter now a Crusader named Macino was walking down the grassy ground in Ellinia. “Had some rough times with the battle and all huh Dizzy.” “Yeah i feel like im gonna die but still i feel sorry for that Dragon Knight….” “Yeah i guess…..” They kept walking and came across 2 Sins and 2 Chief Bandits bothering a bunny. It scream help so the Crusader went straight up and used Shout and the sin and chief bandits fell to the ground and was knocked out cold. “Hang on little buddy im coming!” The crusader ran as fast as he can with the help of his shoes wit 10+ speed he got up to the bunny in no time. “Thank you Kyu~~” The crusader looked down at him and couldnt help but think he knew the bunny somewhere. “HEY MACHINO HURRY UP AND COME DOWN I NEED YA HELP!!” Macino then saw the Sin and Bandit was closing in on Dizzy who seemed hurt severely. Macino raced down and slashed his Doombringer along their backs. They screamed and ran away but one of them dropped his Maple Kandayo. Macino picked it up and put it in his backpack. read more

Battle at Dawn

One day a Cleric and a fighter was walking to Ellinia 2 Sins jumped in front of them and they asked for 10k to get inside to get to Orbis but they refused and walked so the sins threw a wolbi in front of them to stop them. The cleric turned around and did holy arrow and magic claw at a sin then the fighter ran at them and did Final Attack. The sins did Haste and ran but one of the clerics were hurt badly so was knocked out cold. They decided to rob him and got a Maple Kandayo, Jurgen Wristguard, Dark Shadow, Dark Shadow Pants, Dark Pilfer, Black Blue-Lined Shoes, Dark Cleave, and an Icarus Cape(3). They ran away and got on the ship to Orbis quickly. Then a few more people came in. People were talking about some sin that was lying on the floor and was dead. When the ship got to Orbis they ran into the sin. The sin looked up and called his Guild over called EliteSinz. They were all sins and were all holding ilbis to kill them. The cleric then called his Guild CabalZ and the fighter called his guild DizYpl then the battle raged and raged the people were tired but didnt have time to rest….there was bodies everywhere and ilbis going around. Clerics were healing but luckily priests and ice/light was around to help them out. The fighter’s guild had dragon knights and crusaders so they were fighting. The fight lasted about 5 days and the cleric and fighter won because the sin died and the EliteSinz joined their guild and walked Victoria Island and people knew that they were the ones that toke out the toughtest guild leader known to man. Until one day…… read more

The Deaths of Many

One day several Clerics and Ranger were all walking around when all of a sudden a Crusader lvl 80 and a Dragon Knight lvl 99 came up to the clerics and rangers and pushed them aside.
“Move it you little weaklings” The Crusaders walked by and the Dragon Knight hit one of the Rangers on purpose.
“HEY what was that for!”
“Oh im sorry did i hit you low life?” the clerics got angry so they declared war on those 2. Whoever was able to get 20 people in 3 days and meet in El Nath to start the war.
The clerics team called themselves Mavericks and the Crusaders team called themselves the Hawk Eyes. So then the clerics decided they needed better people on their team.
So they got 2 more clerics, got 3 hermits, 3 cheif bandits. The rangers decided to not be part of the war and ditched.
So there is 4 clerics, 3 hermits, and 3 cheif bandits. The got 2 ice/lightning, 3 fire/poison and then 5 priests. The other teams got 5 Crusaders, 5 Dragon Knights, 3 Priests, and 3 Sins, and 4 Chief Bandits. read more