All posts by Zarloth

Too Much Work :P

I’ve been so busy I have neglected to use my MMO Blog! I will hopefully start posting weekly if possible.

Well, I started a warrior on MapleStory today, I hope to make him a Fighter. I can already feel the DoomBringer in my hands as I pwn innocent little Mushys with it. XD That will take a long time though…

My Online useage as been cut a bit short. Due to my dog getting heartworms I have to keep him calm for 4 weeks so the treatment can work. Let me add that this is no easy task due to his hyperactive nature. Although, he has been doing an ok job. read more

Good Maple day!

Zarloth here! Today was great, I met a cool guy and my friend gave me a free Esther Shield. He also gave me a Hall Staff. Wonder why he was being so nice…. Anyways, I will have to cut this Blog short today due since it is very late and I have a busy day tommarow.

Ps. I also finished some quest today >~<

Pss. I will make these blogs better once I get the free time to actully think. My mind is very crowded with thoughts right now. Safe to say I’m a bit stressed! read more

Zarloth’s First Entry

Hello, Zarloth here!

I finally have some new active members into my guild. Hope I get more… Anyways, I finally got us a guild site on I need to tell my members about it soon. Well, I am now going to level my theif once I get the shielf of his. Other then that nothing new today. I hope I level tommarow. XD