All posts by xXyZaThEx

My Maple Day Of Maple Dayliness

Wow, long time no blog. THis is actually the first time I’ve blogged about my actual maple day. >.<

Anyway, I’ve been reapetedly pqing and now I’m at 50%!!!!!
Also, Some…stuff has come up in my life. Such as getting my report card!

Orchestra: A
English: B
History: A
Enricment: A
Math: B
Science: B

So yeah, I got Bs in the subjects that people actually care about. >.< read more

So this is why people like perma noobs

I just created a perma noob, and it is FUN!
I can also act like a complete idiot, and laugh at people who try to insult me.
Right now, he’s only lvl 6, but he lvls fast.
Anyway, anyone want to add me?

IGN: LykeToEatPie
World: Bera

I’ll post pics later, when I’m above level 10.

EDIT 1: I’m level 10! WOOT~
Also added pictures!

Age of Darkness pt. 4

I know this is h^_^la late, but I was too lazy to write more anyway.
Chapter 4: Burnt Scars
Senra doubled over as a troop of slimes mobbed him. Magicians may be powerful, but they didn’t have much physical strength. He picked up his mithril wand and summoned the final vestiges of his strength to unleash a frenzy of magic claws. In a matter of seconds, a puddle of squishy goo was all that was left of his opponents. read more

RP ROCKS~(Your socks :) )

I think RP should be brought back!
Actually, I never read it. But the idea sounds nice! It could bring the entire MMOTales population to peace and make them all be friends. Without force. *Throws away shotgun*

BTW, who wants to help me get an esther shield.


I turned level 40! Wewt with me!
Time to rush PQ….
I’d give you pictures, but I haven’t mastered the power of taking screenshots and finding them buried in my folder…

Hilarious pictures

These are all made by my friend from summer school.
Pic 1: This is a glitch.
Pic 2: Preperation Picture.
Pic 3: This is a PQ beta testing, specifically to us. The boss is a weird flying mushroom, He summons wingless C-Balrogs. We managed to kill those, but the mushroom used a weird plagiraizing attack, knocking us out tof the competition. That guy in the left with the blue bandanna is me! read more

un-angry party??? WHOA

Well, yesterday I had a day full of pqs. I got into a party of all lvl 30s Im lvl 30 now YAY. We did farely well till I got disconnected. When I logged back on, they were waiting for me! When I apoligized for getting d/ced, they said “who cares? it happens to everyone.”…. WHOA. we did loads more of pqs until the leader had to go. I got to 57% that day 😀 read more

M.A.S. 2 Part 2

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE delay… anyway, I’m going to try to make this story extra good
. Special thanks goes to : AyumiChan clicking thumbs up, Lazykrnboi clicking thumbs up twice or something, Unknown1 clicking thumbs up, Ownager12 clicking thumbs up twice, mapl3holic ,clicking thumbs up three times, angelwitwings PMing me about how my stories were great and clicking thumbs up twice, StopThatGuy clicking thumbs up twice, (I posted the links to my stories there, and I got alot approval.) Blog reads: 1,002, liked it: 13, MMOID views: 301. There you have it. Also, I’m going to stop these series at Part 6 or so, on Series 2. read more