All posts by xGORE

Sacre Bleu!

So, for the first time, I have gained enough motivation to click the Maple Story icon knowing full damn well that James wasn’t on. Why such a grand undertaking? The answer is simple: I am awesome. So, while I was gloriously basking Ludibrium with my presense, I decided to do a quest! A simple quest, yes. In fact, it was the one where you find Cheny or whatever the hell his name is and get the three magical boxes. Well, to tell the truth, I didn’t know where he was. So as I was aimlessly moving around the Toy Factory, I stumble across an friend! A female friend to be exact. A female friend I know IN REAL LIFE. I mean, what are the chances? So apparently she had got to level 46, and was hopped up on NX Crack…I mean Cash. Looking pritty and all. After a long and drawn out meaningful and passionate conversation (I.E. just a small talk that ended up with me faming her), I had to make a tough decision to remove my great body from her. read more


Lvl 48.

Lvl 1 Drain.


James, you son of a whore! I’m still level 45, and you’re 48? Unacceptable! Level 1 Drain? Surely you jest! Regardless, I’m finding it harder and harder to have fun playing Maple Story. I mean, I’m not even caring about leveling anymore, just screwing around having fun, really. James and I did a few quests… totally owned some monsters, and did stuff. Glorious stuff, mind you. read more


I declare myself the ultimate Rombot Slayer.

10 Rombots in 15 minutes. Oh yes, better believe it.


Picture: Me… reflecting on how awesome I am. KTHX


Lvl 47 Ftw!

Curse Eyes = nice experience for me. Dark Stone Golems do make things complicated at times though.

Anyway, I’ve been going to and from Ludi quite a bit; meeting friends, doing quests, EXPing, things of that sort. Right now, my partner in crime and I are trying to get his Lvl 40 Shoes from one of the Omega Sector quests. He’s lazy and never made them. Haha. Together we got his Pansy Earrings, too.
Totally, James. Getting tentacles is insanely hard and boring, but hey, atleast I’m leveling up as fast as a garden snail; that’s ridiculously fast. Also, I leveled up today to level 45! Of course, this is hard to believe. I’m sure many of you all are muttering “Surely you jest!”. I know, I know, but the more amazing thing is, I’m not kidding! Unbelievable, eh? To think, I of all people, l eveling… haw haw, that even makes me chuckle. This totally awesome V2K I got from a friend is totally awesome. I am now incognito! As a Hunter, no less! Haw haw. Anyways, the highlight of today was that James and I did our routine friendly homosexual acts in the Ludi potion shop and pissed off a guy. I swear, I’m trained to perform a colonoscopy with a Maple Flag. Honest. read more

wut? get out of here, lawl!

Today, Tony and I played MS together for the first time in a few weeks.

We opted to explore Omega Sector. We had a nice time going there.

We get there, and the first thing we commented on was the sweet music that it has. Walked around some more, and did the 100 Tentacle quest.

After we did that, and got our rewards, we explored deeper. This made us dislike Omega Sector. read more


I didn’t play much MS today, but the time that was spent on today was great.

I decided to get a new Hairstyle and Face style. Needless to say… I got them relatively fast.

I was estatic (Hence, Topic title). People from my Friend’s List came to watch me get the styles.

Before all of that though, I went to Mushmom to watch some get killed. That was entertaining. read more



Finally found a Maple Kandayo when I wasn’t even looking for it. Go me.

Another interesting note: I failed a 60% Glove ATK scroll on my Work Glove. Kind of upset me since it no longer had the potential of being an 11 ATK Glove.

Now, I’m looking into purchasing 4 more sets of Tobi, then selling off my 5 Kumbi sets. Of course, this will be during the course of Lvl 45 to Lvl 60. read more


Been a few days since I’ve updated. A lot of interesting things have happened in those few days. Some noteworthy ones include:

-Received an above average Kandayo (Buddy found it; I borrowed it; I gave it back; No more Kandayo;Still searching for one)
-Leveled to 45 (Hooray; Lvl 1 Booster)
-Received an Icarus Cape 2. Speed is more beautiful because of this.
-Found misc. equips/scrolls read more