Wow. O_O First of all, I sadly forgot about this site =O Second, I’m amazed that I remembered my Name and PW.
Wow it sure is amazing how fast time goes by. How much random stuff you find going through SS’s and pictures. How many memories that you thought had been gone for good…. reappear. How many friends you find that you were sure they had quit maple by then.
No, this blog isn’t about someone quitting maple then to find out how stupid they were but they had already given their ACC away to a friend, figuring that they missed their friends too much and they just can’t quit.
It’s about a person (Me =O) that had gotten hacked on my ACC in Khain then moved to Bera. I had just hit lvl 52 on my cleric and then the VERY next day I had gotten hacked and my PIN was lost. Me, never thinking that I would actually get hacked didn’t remember anything important that someone that had just gotten hacked would need to remember. For example, secret questions, emails, IGNs, etc.
Luckily I had added my closest friends to MSN, AIM so I hadn’t been totally out of luck. They tried to help me make a new character and level up so I could once again train with them. That didn’t work very well because I’m unfortunately a very impatient person, and soon I became bored with the idea. =( I tried to keep playing but soon I just never came on anymore, and I found myself hanging with my friends in real more than the ones online. They all also played MapleStory, but on a different server, Bera. I soon told them about my problem and them being high- level soon offered to fund/train me whenever they could. I was happy by this and soon decided to become a Beratonian. ;DD
Therefore, xNever4Get was made and a new life began. The new Bera life didn’t start out so well. Sure I had my real-life friends there that I could trust and relate too, but I missed Khain and my close friends there. The fact that my cousin was also on Khain didn’t help and soon I became a “Half-Owner” of my cousin’s warrior, WillNotStateIGN. I soon leveled up to 25 and began KPQ, fun and fast it was great. Most of my levels although were achieved by “Leeching”, off of my friends. After all of that I had hit 35, (The Most Annoying Level In MapleStory) being too low level to actually get into LPQ and being too determined to level. This is were quests came in handy and I was soon sporting my new black pilfer at level 40. LPQ was always fun at 1:30 in the morning or right after school, you could always catch me doing it. I didn’t really EVER get anything good in it, mostly blue pots that filled my ‘Use Inventory’ and were then NPC’d.
During LPQ I met the Best People Ever, including my hubby Shak and many other friends. Once I hit level 51, (OPQ wasn’t out at the time) the impatient side of me came out again and I didn’t want to do anything. Training at lupins and helping lower levels do the stupid “Cursed Doll Quest” was about all I ever did. Doing this I gained a few levels and soon I had reached level 54. Wanting dearly to wear the level 55 earings (Still wanting) I trained at MM, if you could call “Training” being KS’d that is.
Made a few friends, got a few scrolls, blah, blah, blah. (Still haven’t leveled LOL)
I just would like to thank all those people who helped my lazy self level, and keep me interested in Maple. <3 Thanks guys I love you all. x.33 read more