All posts by WhiteBowmen

Glitch x)

My friend and guildleader Ben has just reached level 70, so we decided to go and explore El nath x)
And Ben and Yair showed me this glitch x) Freaking awesome glitch ๐Ÿ˜€

Now Iโ€™m bored as *%#$ยค.. ๐Ÿ˜› Iโ€™m waiting for my friend to call x)

The godly Olympus :D

Well, I made my Olympus with a stimulator, and guess what? 4 Above average.
So When I reached 50 I started to scroll it with one 10%, and it actually worked. So now it was 74 atk 3 accuracy and one dex, like perfect! So I continued with 60%โ€™s 3 of 4 worked. So now it was 80 atk, 6 Accuracy and 1 dex with 2 slots left! So I walked around in FM trying to find a new 60% scroll. Finally I found one for 1,2mill and bought it immediately. And it worked! So, now it was even more godly, 82 attack, 7 accuracy and one dex.
So I thought that I should try my luck again with another 60%, so I started to walk around in FM again, trying to find a new one. And at last I found one for only 900k, so I bought it! Too bad the last scroll didnโ€™t work. read more