All posts by Waffle


I am absolutely sick of immature maplers complaining about gms’ or events or something else!

always complaining about something they never have anything nice to say for the people who spend their time in frikin cubicles coding and busting hackers all day to make you idiots happy

“event plz event pl0x event plx”

you finally get an event ( a good one, too) and what do you do? COMPLAIN COMPLAIN COMPLAIN!!! read more

Gms’ are lazy, right?

Some idiot named iamsangxd was usuing about 600 supermegaphones talking about how lazy gms’ and wizet are

look what happened to him

i thought it was quite funny

( pay attention to the chat box in the pics)

Would you steal from Zakum?

Do you think if you steal from zakum he would come after you?…

or maybe he would just steal your girlfriend…

maybe he would crush you…

hmm zakum is pretty big…

or maybe he would call PizzaHut and order 50 pizzas to your address…

maybe he would tell your mommy…

maybe he would stalk you and lick your neck when your bck is turned… read more

seriously! i dont care!

*for those of you who dont know, SuperWaffIe is a supernoob*

**supernoob never leaves maple island, permabegginer leave maple island**

Dude im sick of people making new characters just to show off their higher leveled characters, its soo annoying

a common conversation with a lvl 4:

IsoPr0: dude what
SuperWaffIe: its not neccesary to do that everytime you see a supernoob
IsoPr0: dude your stupid leave the island
SuperWaffIe: i dont want to
IsoPr0: leave you idiot you cant get a job now
SuperWaffIe: are you going to make me leave? No? Exactly. Why do you even care this is my character
IsoPr0: lol your stupid i have a level 28 sin
SuperWaffIe: and i forgot why i care….
IsoPr0: he would own you!
(notice how i never mention my warrior)
SuperWaffIe: thats nice but im trying to train right now read more

Random life of a supernoob

just some random pictures of me on maple island

Pic1: me owning a blue snail during 2x exp

Pic2: me hitting 24 (the reason i was looking for mrbasil is because i needed to talk to him about something concerning basilmarket)

Pic3: me leveling to 23 with the help of a lvl 8 girl named Madiafeda (she kept spawn going)

Pic4: me at level 21 ( i had a better picture but it made me look like a hacker AND IM NOT) read more

im king!…i think…

well yesterday i hit 24 which makes me tied with Bumkikii for king of the island

IF the rumor about perfectnoob quitting is true (current king)

if he’s not ive got about 4 levels to pass him up still -_-

i shoulda used the 2x exp event to my advantage but that woulda took all the challenge (and fun) outta being a supernoob wouldnt it?

well i should get to 25 soon enough read more

i love karma!!

*Caution parentheses ahead*

ive been searching for a maple sword for days

i usually never hunt for weapons because i have horrible luck

but ive been wayyy too broke lately

so im screwing around wearing level 10 armor ( im actually lvl 44) using a sabre (level 15 sword) and a panlid that i found while hunting for my maple singer ( the panlid was my rarest drop ever) read more

What did i do to you???

why do mages feel the need the ks melee classes?

i dont care if its fun for you cause it aint fun for me!!

yesterday in less than 20 minsutes i was kicked out of 11 spots by mages (2 or 3 were sins)

there are 20 channels why should i hafta find a new channel if i was there for the last half hour?

usually i would get over it but with this new event out its making me paranoid read more

level 4x… whats this?

Ive been playing maplestory since the beta days. i remeber i thought level 20 was “high”, and baseball caps were “pro”…

Ive always been a slow leveler which has caused me to lose “buddies” and such…

I never got drops and i was always really poor…

and i always took chances and risked alot because i figured: “well im not getting past level 35 anyway” read more

Im getting there!

My supernoob has yet to leave maple island… and he never will.

and i finally am tied for 2nd place for king of the island

leveling is starting to get tedious (it already was but now i hafta punch myself to train)

and no matter how much i think of beating PerfectNoob and Bumkikii i just aint training as hard as i used too

i havent seen perfectnoob in a while so he might have quit or such (which is cool with me i never liked him much anyway, me and bum are pretty chummy though) read more