All posts by vicelin

How to PQ click, without AC.

You don’t have to follow a single word that I say if you don’t want to! This is just how I click, and most of the time get in. It is not a full-proof guide to being a uber clicker or anything.


[+] Put the OK button overtop Lakelis/the sign! It works like freaking magic.

[+] Sit in a comfortable position in your chair. The less tense you are, the easier it is to click fast. read more

Persistence ~ Chapter.5

I really hate plot bunnies sometimes.


Chapter Five

Ceana panted with exhaustion, leaning against the wall of Alishar’s lair. She and her other party members were taking a short break before they went into bonus.

Without the steelies that Sedecire had given her, Ceana probably would have never found a party when she had begun Ludibrium Party Quest. She may be polite and kind to everyone she met, and always tried her best with everything she did…but sadly, she never had an easy time making friends. read more

My first GM sighting ^_^

I was in floor 101 trying to get into PQ, but then I got disconected. I logged off my comp really fast and then went back in. Half my party was still there at least…and there was also a GM XD

I should have asked her to PQ with us.

I wonder if GMs can PQ?

Vicelin is a noob!

Noobs really tick me off sometimes. Like majorly. Like I want to meet them IRL and sprinkle rat poisoning in their oatmeal. If they eat oatmeal.

I especially hate noobs who call other people noobs. And judge you like they know every little thing about you. And imagine you in real life as some stupid little ten-year-old kid who had never played the game. read more

Mary Sue- The Uber-Beautiful.

Someone in my last post about Mary-Sues said that it would be a good idea for me to write a sickeningly exaggerated Mary-Sue. I don’t know what they were smoking, but it actually started to sound kind of…fun. So I did it.

Keep a trash can nearby, you will need it for all the barfing you might do.


Written by Vicelin, because she was as bored as all hell. read more

Mary Sue- The True Horror.

Mary Sue- The True Horror.

A brief and valuable lesson endowed to you by Vicelin.


It is not uncommon here on MMO Tales to see a badly-written piece of fan fiction being damned and scrutinized as cliché.

So…What is cliché, exactly?

Let us take a tour to the wonderful world of Webster, where our aural sustenance shall delve and be cleansed by the divinity of the mankind’s most astonishing creation- TEH DIKSHONARIE. read more

Persistence ~ Ch.3

Anyhow, here is chapter three of my story.

You’ll be confused as hell unless you read the others first,
Don’t blame me, blame the plotbunnies.


Chapter Three

Ceana just stood there, feet glued to the ground, with a look on her face slightly resembling a deer caught in headlights. Her nerves had still not settled from earlier, and taking two rounds of stress in one day was beginning to prove too much for our poor, ill-fated young girl. read more

Persistence ~ Ch. 2

You guys should really congradulate those plotbunnies. They made me update. We took another vacation to munchkinland and I wrote this chapter.
No, acid or any other drug was not involved.

PS: Terribly long chapter. Oh well.


Chapter Two

Ceana tugged at the collar of her Red Steal armor. It always seemed unbearably humid and murky in the swamps of Kerning, which by no means exempted Party Quest. She often wondered–something she did very often– why Lekalis could not simply decrease the temperature, being it her who made the hidden dimension in the first place. read more

Persistence ~ Ch.1

Oki, here I go again. This time I wont delete it. I promise. I just had to fix a lot of things that I overlooked before.

Anyway, yea, I swore never to write maple fanfiction, ESPECIALLY romance. But the plot bunnies attacked me, took me on vacation to munchkin land, and oh boy did they do some breeding. This is, unfortunatley, the end product of said ordeal. read more

Hack Protest in Ludi ch 1

This thing is huge o_o…

It’s the largest congregation of protesters I’ve ever seen in maple.

It’s amazing to see so many people finally trying to do something about hacking.

Even though the success rate is low, it is still a nice attempt.

And did I mention it’s HUGE? toushirou3 is in my first screenie somewhere.

I almost lagged out. read more