All posts by Travesty

Scroll Hack Nonsense

I went to BasilMarket I saw the picture of the 35 DEX Blue Chainmail thing.

I saw:
“there is such thing as scroll hack. this dude in my school used 5 10% glove att on a wg, they all worked.”

That snapped me.

If there were scroll hacks

If there were, there will be more than 40 Work Gloves in the Free Market that has +5 and the prices will rise up to 100 kazillion mesos. read more

Noob Encounter – Worst ever

Yesterday, while I was playing. A noob come up to me and traded me, and I accepted

Noob: u char look good
Me: Uhh, thanks.
Noob: i wan 2 look like u
Me: Okay, level faster, then you will eventually.
Noob: i like u
Me: …

Then the noob changed channels and ran away.

Then another came up to me, traded me.

Noob2: *puts up 1k*
Me: 1k for?
Noob2: I’ll buy all your stuff for 1k
Me: What do you want?
Noob2: Anything
Me: *puts up snail shells and mush caps*
Noob2: -.-
Me: What, you can buy these. 😛
Noob2: Equips plz read more

I are new~

Yes, I am new.
How did you know I’m new?
>Because I’ve been on MMOTales before.
Why is that?
>Because EvilStranger, my friend, introduced me to MMOTales
Why did he introduce to MMOTales?
>I have no idea
How come I have no idea?
>I don’t know either.

Anyways, just saying hi. And basically “hi” is the main point of this blog. read more