All posts by Threesa

How many hackers you can find in 1 hr?

I can find a lot, ever since the new hack sites have been around. Also, on my other Blog, theres the fly hackers i found. Then I found some more and more. The more i find, the more screens i take of them doing whatever hack. I am already mad that they keep hacking and that their messing up the game even more. I just found like 30+ in 30 mins and Theres alot in ch 1 henesys, and they keep hacking and bla bla bla. In kerning city’s subway, theres even more hackers. And also, that will mess up the game even more. read more

My Thoughts about Hackers

My thoguhts about hackers is like “The invasion of idiots with no lifes” i mean like seriously, get a life, and also, i bet (hacker here) didnt even make the hack and just download it from some scam site, well, i bet you (as in teh hacker){if you are not a hacker, then please dont} don’t know where the hack has been. I mean like i keep thinking that ever since the new sites for hack came along. I am like “Omg hackers get a life” and then they cuss and starts to say stuff to me, and all that, but i just ignore it, so i know what they want. And I am making a diary of hackers i see per day. Maybe i see like 10+ or more everyday from fly hack to god mode to vac hack. Well I am getting weiry of those ppl. read more