Rawr, the time has come. About a week ago I hit 70 and became the spiffy Hermit. It’s been fun messing around for the week, but yet I can’t seeem to get back into the training mood. I don’t know why I’m not feeling motivated to get to 71. Perhaps it because i burned out during my 6x stages, or it could be the fact that I’m still going to be throwing stars. So far I haven’t made any real use of my Shadow Partner it’s worse then my lucky seven right now, guess that’s to be expected of level 1 SP. Though, next level I get Avenger, which should hoepfully speed up training seeing as I will finally be able to mob.
All posts by TheMagicPie
Y halo thar?!
Hey, check it out…I’m back again. Note how rarely I use this site. I reiterate : I dislike writing. I hate it, but it’s something to do.
Anyway, for those who care I shall soon have another 3rd job character. Woo for PieJutsu, for some reason I foresee my main becoming a hermit, but in time I shall see. Right now I’ve got a level and a half to go, if I stick to my “plan” I’ll be third job in 3 days. Lemme think here, I might have more good news…*rummage rummage* Kinda looking forward to Patch 0.41, but yeah…I always have so little to talk about. xP My guild however…seems to be going “Bleh” It sucks that all the people I invite never come on…and they’re such good friends. But eh, it’s kinda boring when there’s nothing but 5 people using it. -_- So…uhhh, If you wanna join a guild, are on the Bera server, and you are literate (or literate for the most part) Find me somewhere in the game on PieJutsu, or leave a name here and I’ll clear up some room. So yeah….I’m out of crap to say, so imma go play my pokemons whilst I wait for some of the patch.
Hey…I’m actually posting something.
Well…I got a bit bored an decided to write up some stuff, mostly just ranting an whatnot. I should probably be sleeping right now, but hey it’s summer, and I don’t have work…that’s right I finally have a job. It’s a decent one at that, my dad is my boss, I sell toys in a mall, I get paid to basically sit and watch anime. But on to Maple ranting, shall we?
A nice returning gift from vacation.
H’OCRAP! My second blog. . . .Forgive any and all bad grammer / punctuation because I hate it, yes? Anyway. . .back on the subject.
After getting home from vacation yesterday things started to move along nicely. after spending about 4 – 5 hours on Maple I got my last 50% to reach 58. My friend and guild member Shmooki came by whilst I was training and handed me 50 Sundaes, 200 Waters, and switched me his Anakamoon. After leveling I rejoiced and paraded about all sexy like. I also join the mass of other Mages who carry multiple colors of Anakamoons. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! :D)
Misadventures of Pie…
Well after being here for a few weeks I’ve decided on making my first blog! So I shall attempt this with what little writing abilities I have. Darn me and never paying attention in english classes…anywho over this whole time span of Maple’s 1 year anniversary I have learned many things.
A) Never try Mush Mom during the day, chances are if you find a blank channel a level 7x will come in and slaughter things then F2 you and stay, even after asking them to leave.