Got bored–so I got a blog.
Bo ha ha ha ha. ;3
Uh…Anything you people should know? Let me think…
Call me Tet.
Ive been playing Maple since Beta–had a lv 56 Pizard. But back in Beta, Poison Brace was hot.
Not near as crappy as it is now. After I quit and Beta had shut down, I found out about GMS and downloaded it as soon as I could. I played for awhile on Bera but just didnt care for the community–quit for a month. Then I came back and decided to try Broa–But by then I was tired of all the classes.
So I made a beginner. Tetrin. I WANTED Tetris, but of course it was taken–so I got a headache and walked into the other room to take some tylonol. And saw a bottle of Motrin on the counter. “Tetris…Motrin…Tetrin!” And I walked back over to the computer and typed it in.
This name is not in use, would you like it? Kay thanks! <3
Those days were great…The only real beginner you ever heard about was ProNooblet (Who was retired in his 40s at the time), and without rankings everyone thought you were the greatest. I made some really great friends out of it…and I still love ’em.
The thing was…eventually…Beginners became a fad…And Fads are icky. And since a lot of people are lazy lil [random curses go here], things like: Hacking beginners, Leeched beginners, PQ-wh0re beginners…They all became reality. And with people getting blamed and people doing the blaming, I got tired of it and left. read more