wow a casters xD o yea i did some editting, the person in the box is someone else and she has zakum helm o_0 AND magicodar
All posts by Spearhog
maple stars
I saw maple stars!!!! They were selling for 80 mil on free market o.0. Someone actually bought it =.=. So does this mean that maple stars are out?
Ok, i got hacked on global a while ago and began sea. Then when i logged in again on global site, i leveled up and had cash shop clothes o.0. So should i delete the account or what.>.<
pro noobs
Don’t you guys ever meet a high lvl guy and they ks you? Like if ur training and someone higher lvl than you just says noob to you and kses. I for one, hate those people. If they are going to just call you noob, ks, and tell you to cc, they should just get a life. (you can buy one at the 99 cents store =p)
I keep disconnecting
Oh my god whenever i try to do the 2nd job advancement test, I keep disconnecting -.-* One time i got 29 marbles and I disconected! I was so pissed. Stupid internet -.-*