All posts by someazngirl

Wierd thing happened forever ago.

Hi mmotales people. Before you look at my pics you have to read this. I was in omega one day. Somehow, I got a party message when I wasn’t in a party. It sounds wierd I know, and if you don’t believe me, just look at the pic. If you still don’t believe me, well, I don’t have any other evidence. I looked over it again and again, but I still think it was wierd. Like the title says, this happened forever ago. I didn’t really tell anybody because I didn’t think anyone would believe me. Even now I don’t believe anyone will believe me. I just thought I would show it anyway. Please comment because I want you people’s opinions on the matter. >< read more

Yay lvling!

Today I lvled to 44. A friend gave me a dark infinium circlet for motivation to lv. *cough* LexAeterna*cough*
I coudn’t really decide where to train so I just killed some things here and there.
Anybody have any suggestions for a plcae to train for a lv 44 cleric?
My cousin was spamming me on Maplestory again.
She was talking about how similar I am to her friend, Christina. (which happens to be my name also)
I got tired since I had a long day at school, so I logged off and here I am now. read more

Random ranting

I just decided to write another blog on the same day I wrote my first blog.
It’s starting to get lonely in Maplestory…
My friends are becoming unactive…
Those that are still active are beginning to ignore me. T.T
Usually I don’t get hurt on things like people quitting because it happens all the time.
What rights do I have in stopping them…?
As long as there were people who logged on and actually say more than two words, I’d still play.
When it came to really close friends, it feels like a knife coming through my heart.
I lost 2 really close friends already and I think I’m going to lose another.
I’ve even been thinking about quitting Maplestory to make the pain stop.
I’ve also been thinking that quitting Maplestory is a bad idea because the pain won’t go away, even if I stop playing.
I might end up like someone I know, keeping distance from everybody so they wouldn’t feel the pain of losing somebody…
My mind is very confused about the matter for now.
I’m hoping the confusion will end soon so I can get on with my life.
Even today, I have to hide my Maple life from my friends because they believe it’s stupid.
XD Rambling about stuff like this feels relaxing.
Maybe I’ll continue to type more random stuff on mmotales.XD
I’m feeling a bit tired so I’m not going to type any more for today. read more

What’s up mmotales people?

Hi people.
I’m new to mmotales so don’t expect anything much from me. >.
Today I basically hung with friends and my friends’ friends and so on at Path of Time.
My friend’s penguin had a fight with a friend about who gets what name.
My friend was saying his name is Bob and the penguin was saying his name is Nady.
It was kinda funny so I stuck around and watched.
I should’ve taken a screenie. XD
I was chatting with someone on xfire and suddenly everyone disappeared…
Look at the screenies. O.o
Basically everyone left me so I just logged off without anyone noticing. XP read more