All posts by SnowFury

Guess who’s back?

Heeeeeey guys!!!
Just dropping in, and most of you prolly dont remember me, or never even knew me to begin with!
Im just an old MMOer and I quit for a bit and I’ve gotta say, its good to be back!
The MMO community seems to be rebuilding and has many more witty bloggers
Seems so different now! x3

That concludes a short blog, and Im sorry, but I’ve got nothing left to say except,
Heylowww MMO! read more

Im leaving

Ohkay, half of you reading this (Prolly more) dunno me, and prolly dont care, but Im quitting MMO because you dont see as much good stories, and all you see are flame wars and spam blogs =.=..
You prolly dont care, but goodbye
