All posts by sasuke13

shenbis story part 2

so shenbi arrived in victoria island,and wandered around for a while.he trained on slimes and got bored,so he wandered around some more.but all of a sudden he was training on orange mushrooms when he saw a town on the horizon.

he went to the town, and, he thought to himself “what is this place?????”as he was daydreaming, he bumped into somebody.”oh im so sorry!” said shenbi.”its ok.” said a deep voice.”wandering where you are?””yes.”said shenbi”you are are in kerning city.”he said”the place where you can become a theif.”really??” said shenbi “yes” he said “go to the fusion bar and talk to dark lord” “ok” said shenbi” read more

1st story

this is my 1st story hope u like

it all started in maple island when a baby was born.his name was boomshakalaka(lol jk)his name was shenbi.


he was sitting in his room when he looked out the window.snails were invading the town!so shenbi grabbed his sword and went outside.they were EVERYWHERE!

10 mins later…
all the snails had been killed by shenbi.then he noticed an old man next to him.the old man said “how old are you?” shenbi said “im 10 years old, why??”the old man said “you should be at victoria island by now!!”shenbi said “how do you go there??”the old man took him to a boat,then old man said “get on the boat,it will take you to victoria island”.so shenbi said goodbye to his mom and dad,and his sister and brother.his brother said someday ill join you and become a bowman!his sister said someday ill join you and be a mage!so shenbi got on the boat and left to victoria island. read more

yay =D

i found a frying pan(lvl 30 wepon)on the ground and i sold it 4 110k(i had 30k)then i bought 2 scrolls 4 my mithril titans =D(btw meinnunoone is a hacker!)btw this is maplesea

good day =D

well a couple days ago a warrior came up 2 me and dropped a 10% scroll and i picked it up =D.then yesterday by lakelis a lvl 30 guy dropped a frying pan and i picked it up =D.then today i traded the scroll for snow balls =D.and btw meinunoone is a vac hacker and god mode hacker(bootes)!!!!!!!!!>=(