Well I was heading to Zombies to party with my cleric friend and i run into this level 72 Crusader i think it was O.o and after he said Go Die he CC’d fast -.- otherwise i would took pic there (The Girl in the picture has nothing to do with it She was just there O.o) Now isnt he nice? =]
All posts by Rakutso
Well i was on there talking about cookies and i got banned for talking about cookies OMGOSH Its cookies =[ Cookies are teh hawtness ;[ Its not my fault im bored and cookies rock my socks ;[
This is what it said.
Everyones probably getting really mad at me for the cookie thing well cookies are awesome spread the love <3 (Yay boredom) =) Eh Express your love for cookies <3 =D
thats the reason i got banned ;[
Woo ^_^
12 More levels and i get my cart hopefully ill have enough money by then D; Level 50 and i get a cart and my Bushidos ^_^ Yay (Yes this is R.O.S.E) i pay for it wanna fight about it? NX isnt worth it =] so i pay for rose <3 =D cause its got CC unlike Maple its just got Paypal ^_^ Meh i love using CC xD and its non reaccuring so yeah ^.^ Once i make it to 50 idk what im going to do. My friend told me if i didnt have enough money to pay for the Cart hed buy it for me D;. its around 600k-2.5mish XD i have around 250k right now ^_^ 350k to go to get a cheap one ^.~ might be cheap but atleast i got one ^.^ i bought all my stuff for 50 so im ready for it ^.^
Well i just felt like telling people D; So Bye ^^ Im Done
Jake~(Level38Hawker) D;
Time for me to go play rose i just though id say Bye because im bored and MSN isnt working ;D if anyone wants to train with my Add me to buddy list Ch 2 Lionis ^^ link
i got hit support ;P (Like bless in Maple) =P But its just for accuracy o.O + I got dash and Mystic Knife or something like that
+400 W.Atk
Anyone level together on Lionis? This is for R.O.S.E btw =) just to let you guys know I’m level 30 I’d really like to see if anyone else plays to =D
Want to train together? im level 30 now >.> must be between 25-35 ^^ leave your IGN and ill add you im always on ch 2 o.o except when i leave stuff on to sell stuff.
Train anyone?
Anyone wanna train together? If anyone plays it beside me (That actually pays for it) I’m a level 28 Hawker O.o
If anyone wants to train together then message me on here or on the game (Better to message me on here) So we know when to go on or not O.o
Rose Rose Rose
People need to play or try it ;o (Try it try it ) I payed for a month for it. I quit MS for this game. The people on there are so nice. x_x I havent been called noob once o_o from 1-27 havent been asked to CC(Because you cant really YAY!) No more CC -Dances- Lala Ok Im not telling you to quit MS and join R.O.S.E(Rose stands for Rush On Seven Episodes) Dont know what but, If we could all be like they way they are there most people probably wouldnt quit because of idiotic people with no lives ruining for other people in the game any people have this problem? =) In rose I havent been ksed once (Amazing 27 Levels and 47% And havent been ksed crazy)We’ll im done with this blog ^-^
Hum i wonder
Wow does anyone play this game besides me? ;o
Yay ^-^
Anyone else play this game right now im a level 27 hawker at 40 some % O_o