All posts by quang13

Summon Story

(Warning) Don’t read this if ur low-lvled in ms… This may give u a bad experience towards MapleStory… So enjoy those, who aren’t ^^ Btw: Pyracross is my main char’s name in ms
__Based on real story in maple__ <(*.*<)

Once upon a time lived a warrior named Pyracross. He travelled many times through cities and came across many nuisances- who continuously begged… One day Pyracross’s patience grew wary, as beggars continued their actions… He thought of this way to simply bring death upon them for his entertainment. This is how it all started. read more

Pika’s Story 9- The Memento

Right now, my fountain of ideas for Pika’s Stories are drying out, therefore I’ll just write what pops up my head ok? As my usual sayings “Great ideas for great stories only last for a certain time” =(

Pika was now, venturing in the deepest wilderness of the dungeon. Through all his travels through dangers and battles, he became a brave, experienced pig- unlike his old piggy self… He held firm of a memento from when Chu died (the memento is a pig headband)… He got the memento from when Chu charged at the humans, Pika grasped on Chu’s headband, however it loosen up and failed to halt Chu from charging… read more

Free Market- The time waster!

Have u ever thought, when u was in a FM, that how much time u spent- to search for the items u need?
I think FMs are very uselful, however they waste ur frigging time to search for the items u need!!!
There r like 15 rooms that ppl use, with about 20 ppl per room- selling all different kinds of items in each one…
Wouldn’t it be great, if u could just go in the FM and have a board that u can click on, and search for the items u need? Instead, of wasting most of ur time on finding them… I no that GMs don’t read these blogs, but its just an idea to get in ur minds when u get in the FMs. read more

Hacking Infestion!

Today in Maplestory, while i was selling something, i heard a few ppl yelling in FM : Free hax go to (censored so that u readers won’t get “hacker infested” too =/ ) At this moment, i couldn’t believe that our mapler’s blood could create such plot, to affect the “hacking curiosity” to maplers as well! After few moments, i heard ppl using “super microphones” advertising the same hacking source… As the real uses for good- super microphones, they are usually used for advertising ur goods, but in this situation, they were used for EVIL!!! It was used for give the information to join HACKING!!! read more

Chief Stan’s Horrible Ways

This is just a joke i thought of, therefore i just wrote this joke to cut my boredom… I tried to change it to kinda “maplestory” vision- so chill homies!!! ^o^

One sunny day in henesys, Chief Stan finds out his grandson- Alex hung out with some teenagers, doing some “unacceptable” as he would say.
Chief Stan: Hey u useless little scumbags! Did u try to smoke this week?! U SHOULD U SMOKING KILLS STUPID LIL’ KIDS WHO DON’T LISTEN TO THEIR GRANDFATHER!!!
Alex: Erhm… Calm down, Chief Stan- we were just chewing hay in our mouth
Chief stan forced the younsters to wait and come one by one… Alex was first to go in…
Chief stan: Sit down u little scumbag!!!
Alex sits down, as Chief Stan stangely offered him a small box of french fries.
Chief stan: Take one chip for christ sake!!! We don’t have all day!!!
As Alex took held one french fry up, he held it in a “ciggarette position”
Chief stan: Aha!! I caught u red handed, u lil’ scum!!!
Chief stan forces Alex to go outside his office, as he told him to get the next one in… read more

Defame Power!!!

Wot most likely do u, when u get defamed for nothing? Hmmm lemme guess…
1. Do nothing
2. F2 and say “ty” to the defamer

Ok… that was a simple experiment for every1 reading… Now don’t u guys think defaming is a weapon every1 uses? I mean when u see that “— dropped ur fame” words in ur chatting menu, doesn’t it simply drive ur NUTS?
I got this experience from reading different kinds of blogs- almost always involving the word “noob” and “defame.
This is 2 examples of posts that involve with “noobs” and “defame”
Anyways, this is just a interesting experiment i thought of so- just think about it.
A Sitting pikachu production read more

MapleStory’s Doomsday- part I

Note: this story has no sense of humour, but has a deep point in it; therefore don’t read this if you suffer “super duper boredom disorder”

One cloudy day, Pika and Vrick were sitting in Kerning City’s Fusion Bar. They were bored, therefore began to talking about random stuff on Victoria Island.
Pika: Hmmm… Kerning City seems to have an increase of smog level everyday. *cough*
Vrick: It’s nothing odd… People in Victoria are too busy to take any notice of the nature – they’re too busy for business and money…
Pika: Doesn’t anyone take notice of this? I mean, imma cough to death someday if the smog spreads…
Vrick: Nope, ppl these days are too lazy to move their fat asses from their sofa.
Pika: Umm… I like slacking all day long, but does that mean im one of those “fat asses”
Vrick: Err… No, ur not cos ur not like us human. Pigs didn’t make changes in Victoria since humans brought technology in… read more

Pika’s Story 8- Mush Mashers 2

As some of u guys no, I am now I bit off the track to making these stories, cos I have a exam in my school, so I only have very few times to back up these stories, ok? Anyways, enjoy this new edition of…. PIKA’S STORY!!! xD

Pika: It’s been a long walk now… Im beginning to have mush caps on my toes -_-*
Hog: Patience kiddo, we’re almost there now…
After, few minutes of walking, they suddenly hear a maidenly cry, from somewhere
Maidenly voice: Help!!! Help!!! Someone save me!!
Pika: OMG!!! We gotta save that beautiful princess, before someone evil snatches her! ><
Hog: Errr… Wot makes u think its even a “her”- it might be a “him” though… o.O
Pika thinks for a moment…
Pika: Ewww… U sure have a sick mind, dude! xO
Hog: Lololololol ^o^
Maidenly voice: HELP HELP!!! SAVE ME GODDAMIT!!!
Pika: Either it’s a “he” or a “her” we gotta save “it”!!! (Still imagining that it is a princess)
Hog: Agreed! (while imagining the person as a ugly hobo in bikini xD) read more

Unlucky Lagging defamer

Many times in cities, while I was wandering around the town, for pots or something, i often encounter trades- from newbies, who always seem to beg for money or something, despite of ur “Cool armour looks”… Evenually one day,
While i was in Henesys, a low-lvled Warrior sent a trade message me ~~ while i was at a talking with my friend.
So i asked, if he could wait a bit… After saying that, the warrior immediately defamed me and called me a “noob” read more

Pika’s Story 7- Rambo-Strike

Be4, u read this story; I must warn u that this story contains extreme violence, including intensive bloody scenes- unsuitable for small children. For those who are small, must stay seated with a pillow on their heads and with a vomit bag in hand- for their safety…
__Ty for Ur information__ And Enjoy Ur time here ^^

As the armoured hog hero charged at the huge group of humans, he suddenly exploded and made his armour blast around him- revealing a bulky looking- Pig with an AK. As Pika saw this, his mouth hung wide-open and with two eyes bulging out O.O. As the Warrior and Thief charged towards our “Rambo” hero, they tried use a combination of power-strikes and double stabs few times- but these blows didn’t affect our Rambo-hero. Suddenly, the hero took out his AK- Shooting the huge party of evil humans… As he shot every1 down- strange sounds came from behind the Maple Story background- sound effects. read more