All posts by quang13

Autoclick= hack?

Throughout PQs, from Kerning City to Ludi, I’ve seen many people partying with auto clickers (including myself ). Auto clicking makes a unfair advantage of getting in a people. So it is a hack?

I’ve heard many opinions from maplers, about either auto clicking is a hack or not.
Some people say it is a hack, while others say it’s “bot”. read more

Maplemon comic 2

Alike the previous previous comic, this is another experiment, by using some other stuffs. . .
I combined Pokemon and the idea of using pets- as a MapleStory pet battle.
Even though it took hell lot of time , but it still sucks ><.

What do you think about it?

Maplemon comic 2
[Updated for the weak sighted ones ]
Thanks to Dest1 to helping me read more

Purpose of Mapling

Long ago, I met this level 48 guy named DRGforce in Orbis, after establishing my guild- PyroTales. We became friends after finding, that we were both guild masters. DRGforce, thought up of this idea, to create a network of guilds across Bera, by forming alliances (Buddying) different guild masters- as one huge community.

After some time knowing each other, this guy made up some very ambitious goals:
–To train to level 100
–Create a huge network of guilds across Bera
–Make history on MS o_o read more

Pet Frenzy!

Today, I decided to get a husky.
I named it “Fenrir”, not to tease you Fenrir >.>, but because the name is good and also it’s evilness.

Anyways, I annoyed few people in Henesys, by “Pooping” on them. While, I continued pooping on people, A new idea struck!

Da Third Comic

1st picture- Summon Fenrir!
2nd picture- The beast has been unleashed!
3rd picture- Time for. . . WORLD DOMINATION! XD read more

My Best Maple Day

Saturday 27th January 2007

[h]Today was the best maple day I ever had![/h]
What I gained:
-9million mesos from Guosim. (She’s so nice )
-I paid and received 30000nx cash!
-Got metro hairstyle.
-Had a tour with the “Mushroom disguise”
– And I was HAPPY! Yay! ^_^

After I got my nx cash, I took a 10minute tour with the “Mushroom disguise”.
Immediately, as the disguise was on, people, newbies, etc started ATTACKING ME, HITTING ME, ABUSING ME!
And sigh… This is how a Orange mushroom survives. . . By dieing! T.T read more

Noob dodging

I just created a mule to get more money by selling more orbis scrolls, in the meantime, showing my skills on my agility and avoidable. . . Without dieing!
Just a short post for a short laugh >.>

O(**(O(‘o’Q) A Punching Kirby production

Hacking- Maple Epidemic

Hacking- Maple Epidemic

Hacking has a huge issue nowadays in MapleGlobal. The hacking population has shot upwards at an inexorably high rate. I remember from my first time playing MapleStory, seeing a hacker was something rare; however now, it’s just a common part of our society.

There are many reasons to hacking- here are some I can think of:
A) If friends hack, you hack. (Peer pressure)
B) Got hacked, so want to hack back
C) Too tired or lazy of leveling
D) Curious of hacking
E) Motivated by the fact that GMs are inactive
There are many reasons to hacking. . . read more

Hacker fun II

My secord hacker fun. Packed with fun, fueled with joy.
I made this blog to encourage people to stand bravely against hackers no matter what!

Keep the flame keep burning ~~ NEVER GIVE UP

Morale: Stand against hackers even if you lose!

1st picture- Yu-gi-ohish showdown
2nd picture- Edit of F2 and F5
3rd picture- Good guys always win! 😀
4th picture- LEGITS FTW! ^_^
5th picture- Ganzicus will understand this screenshot xD read more

Clan PyroTales

Clan PyroTales

I have created a new clan/guild in Bera called “PyroTales”. I’ll Join anyone from Bera , who’s, not a hacker, active in talking, and isn’t vulgar.
Right now, we have place for 8 members, so join now!

I don’t only seek for those who are strong, but those who have hearts and caring for others. Even though we haven’t got an emblem or much fund, we will fight for our goal! read more

Early Christmas!

Saturday 16th December 2006

It has been a jolly day for me.

Today, 1Braindead1- my assistant and I have travelled from lands of scotching flames, to freezing mists (in another words, we went from Perion to Happyville <<).
I’m celebrating this day, because I’m having Christmas tomorrow!
Everyone: CHRISTMAS TOMMOROW?! *Envies and sulks*
Yes, Im having Christmas tomorrow, because my step father is going to the Caribbean, therefore I’m celebrating Christmas before he goes . read more