All posts by Nodaku

The God Snail XD

(Sorry couldn’t resist making this after a friend had posted that I should do it XD. )

Standing valiant and worn, the young thief stood strong versus his adversary, a snail. Standing strong with his pan lid in his left hand, his palm sweaty with anticipation. In his right hand, a field dagger which was bound tightly to his palm by his fingers. Wearing a white bandana, a gray shirt with a white stripe across the chest, a pair of blue shorts and a pair of sandals to ensure he was quiet while in his acts of stealing goods. read more

Friend like me? Part 2

Well I know that a lot of you have read my original post of, “Had a friend like me?” and in turn, this is a post to things that have happened to me in all of my time playing on Maple Story. The top is the best thing I’ve done for someone, and the bottom is the most insignificant thing I’ve done for someone.

Back when I played on both KMS and JMS (I had two computers and had them both with a different copy of MS). I ran around with friends and we power leveled the heck out of one another. Around the time I had all of my characters on all teh given servers at the time, to level 85-110, I decided to see about selling it off. I had a friend who had just started playing and he never once asked me for anything, all he did was follow me around so he could get to places quickly. Due to the sole fact that he was kind and never bugged me, when I quit JMS to jump head on into KMS, I brought him into a whisper and gave him all of my information, including my birthday, e-mail address/password and all that other good stuff. He was iffy and didn’t think I was serious, so I logged off that account and went to my muling account and told him to log into the account that I gave him all of the info to. He did and came on and found me. He was enthralled that someone was giving him what they worked so hard on. Though, this wasn’t all I did for my friend, I also emptied out my entire mule account to show him all that was on it and picked everything back up, gave him the information to it, which was the exact same, jut the login was different. In total the 2 accounts cost well over 5bil meso (this price was added up from all the characters on all the servers). Or if I were to e-bay it, I would easily make $400 without questioning it, but instead, I was nice and gave my hard work to someone who diserved it. read more

Had a friend like me?

In truth, as to what was said in a post before mine about honest, good maplers. There are few left… Very few. Though, not many people look for them, or in turn, someone catches them while they are afk or having a bad day. Me for example, I rarely every have a bad day, in fact, I have a great day most of the time. I love helping people out, even if you are a newb, I’m there to aid you. Heck, I got a friend to level faster than me before because of the sole fact that he never had to worry about monsters killing him. But enough of the simple history, now comes the truths of why I made this post. read more

Contribution to Ishihiro

In Game Name: Ishihiro
Full name: Ishihiro Denkai (real name of the guy who played him)
Server: Broa
Class: Thief/Bandit

The start of the Shadows:
Ishihiro was a child born into the guild of thieves and was well renoun for his skills and quick movement. He had the unique ability to rarely be seen by those he attacked. He would jump at an enemy, hit them several times and before they could turn around to see what had hit them, he is gone and behind them yet again. Cunning and smart, he was next to never outdone. Quiet and with few friends, he kept mainly to himself. Quickly climbing the ranking list and quickly becoming more and more renoun, he quickly was given the role of Guild Leader after the former guild leader had died. Though, his quest was not to be known to those other than his friends. His quest… To find the creature that had put an end to his family’s life. read more

Amad3us & Ikizen – The Journey Begin

The night was full of rest and relaxation. Long and comforting it was to the two who spent their day fighting off the undead and horned mushrooms. Yes, a Warrior and a Cleric working side by side.

The sun hadn’t peaked over the mountain tops yet and the Cleric, Ikizen, awoke and was already fully clothed in his priestly white robe (at the time, white chaos robe), his newly baught shoes to go with his outfit and a golden circlet (Oh yeah 😀 The golden pride baby XD). His hair was matted all over, like he had woken up, but that was his normal hair style. Strolling out to the steps outside of the mouth of the cave, he sat down and waited for his warrior friend to come around. read more

Ikizen – A Dedication to a Friend.

In Game Name: Ikizen
Full name: Ikizen Ouban
Class: Cleric / Priest
Server: Broa
Nickname: Iki

When I first started out Maple Story, I was always in search of a friend. I had found one who sat around with me. He told me that he would like me to meet his Cleric whom he was proud of. Dropping into the game with his Cleric, I was astonished to the fact that he looked cool. He helped me a lot and always dropped me items without me asking for them. When I refused to take them, he’d give me an F5 face and seeing that he didn’t need them, I took them and always put them to great use. read more