All posts by megalord1000

i got lucky!

when i had the 10% cape scroll for int, i went to ch 13 fm room 13, took out my lucky SHSAT handbook (although the SHSAT is over, the handbook still possess -i think thats how u spell it- luckiness), and scrolled it on my icarus cape 2. w00t!

i was hoping it would work..

first, it was my failed 60% staff scroll, NOW its scrolled icarus cape 2 with 3 int and 4 slots
link to failed 60% scroll (lol like no1 would care about the failed scroll but me…) read more

tigers of different worlds

GMS tiger – lvl 162 dk
MSEA tiger – lvl 26 warrior

well finally MSEA has the rangings, and when i looked up the rankings for tiger, he was only lvl 26
shame…… MSEA tiger lvl 26 (noob)

in GMS, you know everything about tiger (lvl 162) and the GMS tiger aint a noob

Differences Between Legits and Hackers


– never liked hackers
– normal training
– they pq
– report hackers
– many pros, some noobs


– piss off legits like us
– find hacking areas(where legits barely go) and start vaccing there
– some get banned, some did not
– all noobs
– never pq (i mean, which hacker would be stupid enough to start vaccing in pq?)
– they bot read more

omfg!!!!!!! wasted 1.6m!!!

OM-FG!!!!!!!!!! I SPEND 1.6M ON A STAFF SCROLL, AND IT FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OM-FG!!!! I WASTED 1.6M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FCK!