All posts by Maxer

A lvl 90 with hellslayer?

Im lvl 8x. my fear as i go into lvl 90 is that everyone would think i did something illegal. i have a hellslayer. didnt hack anyone or zakum. i bought it at fm for 45m. 95atk -2 but i dont care. i could all ready see all those noobs say” omg a hellslayer wait ur lvl 90 HACKER.” or defame for having one. i seen in the ranks very few pure poles have one its seems or they dont like to show it. even tho i want to be 90 and be the only one at my lvl using it it would be annoying how ppl would react to some so small as a lvl 90 rare weapon. just dont want dumb ppl thinking dumb things. BTW this is my first blog thing so i guess i most be bored to do it XD read more