I gripped my Doombringer, the black blade glinting with the shine of the buffys surrounding me. Their white eyes shining beneth the jester-like hat, grinning, waiting for me to let down my guard, so they could smack me down with magic. I tensed, one coming forward from the pack, preparing to perform the pink spell, when-
A roaring wind it seemed, shot across the platform I crouched on, sweeping away the Buffys, across, down down down, and out of sight. I snarled, as then it was obvious one of the darker chracters of the world had just taken control of my area. Spitting away some of the saliva that had gathered, my boots guided me to the edge of the green platform. It was a long, long way down, but if I was able to see the name of the person, I could report them to the local administrator, who sat near the skin salon.
Taking a deep breath, I pushed my feet out from the ledge, propelling myself near the opposite wall. The blocks and cogs of Ludibrium rushed upwards at speeds too fast for my mind to currently think about, and all the time the bottom becoming clearer. I realized I was falling too fast, so swinging my trusty sword in mid air, I was able to jam it in a crack to come to a violent halt, mere feet above the ground.
THERE! The Buffys that once leered at me were smushed flat into a corner, and a dark figure near them was casting forks of lightning to fry them. He saw some of the buffys twitch, and immideatly turned his head to face me. The mage grinned, waved his hand, and spun, his cape masking everything, until he had teleported back to town. Cursing, the jester monsters had been released from the power that held them, and taking revenge, were floating towards me. ‘Too many’, I thought, and immitated the mage, scrolling back to the safety of Ludibrium.
After the soft glow of the ClockTower’s danker areas, the clear blue of outside was blinding me. Blinking, I shuffled into the noisy potion manufacturer’s shop, and sat down alone behind a machine. Sighing miserably at my failure to help rid the world of a new blight, I wondered, how much more could the people stand of hacking?
Lost in thoughts for, well, I could’t say how long really, I was snapped out of musings by a voice calling my name.
“Lamiah! Hellooooo, Lamiah? Are you in here?”
I grinned, knowing the piping voice of my friend from anywhere. Standing up, I gripped a bar from behind a machine, and swung around it. Well, that’s what I had planned to do, but I tripped on a loose cog, and fell face first in front of my friend. Whoops.
All posts by Mahou
Hacking : An In-depth Look
Lo’ and behold, another hacker-related blog! This is a very long, boring and informative one however. Umm… please don’t ask me how I know this stuff. ._. (Mai friend showed me how to hack, ’nuff said.)
Hacking Consoles:
Contrary to popular belief, you do not merely “type in a hack”, or “press a button to hack”. All hacks are based on a program that runs at the same time as MapleStory. These programs vary on how to use them, but there are three main ones currently used. These programs are able to stay hidden from GameGuard, and therefore are not detected.
The 10 Hackermandments
Hehe, written for Guruji’s blog “Hackers : The Final Straw”.
Instructions on finding a hacker:
1) Remain calm. Don’t go “OMG HAX U NUB”, as you look like a total idiot. XD
2) If they’re the kind that stays after you come it, immedeatly report before you speak.
3) Don’t call them names. Remember, they’re real people too.
4) If it’s the kind that runs, wait a few minutes before chasing them. That way, they’ll think you don’t care, and you can get them by suprise.
5) If it’s a botter, or one that ignores you, I have a suggestion. As a hacker’s spawn relies on just them being in the map, invite some bored friends over to laugh at the hacker. Even three other people on the map will significantly decrease his or her spawn to the point of being useless.
6) Don’t ask for hacks. They’ll tell you to go to msowned.
7) Unless the hacker seems sincerely interested, don’t bother trying to talk philosiphy (sp? sorry) with them. It’s just annoying.
8) Don’t bother to report level 1 noobs flying around Henesys. They’re just looking for attention, and it’s never the main account. Save your report for someone who really deserves it.
9) It’s not nice to bully hacker hunters. EVEN the ones who hack to find other hackers (aka the offscreeners). They’re not harming you, unless they post huge rants about all the hackers that supposedly “bothered” you.
10) The threads on SleepyWood forum and Basil do nothing. Report them straight to Wizet, and try to have friends do the same.
Cut Short
This is about my hacked experience. If you’re quick to judge emo, read no further. XD
As the MapleStory Global anniversary approaches, so does mine. This MMORPG was an addition to my daily schedule starting May 26th, 2005. Ahh, beautiful days of the new world Bera. Double EXP rates, double meso rates, the new world was enticing to many people. The nice, the smart, and the ones with the proper grammar. I leveled slower than everyone, people left me behind, but still I enjoyed playing, as you feel true accomplishment for leveling up. Everyone knows this, ne?