All posts by LunarPanda

Happy Chinese New Year!!

Gong Hay Fat Choy (I’m 100% Chinese and I still laugh when I spell the “Fat” >.>)

So I’m going to get about $1150 bucks-ish 😀
But the best way I’m celebrating (Next to being with family and awesome noodles) is STARTING MAPLE again.
Fresh, New. I now have a level 12 Bera Bandit-to-be, and though I hate the lack of speed, it’s good enough. read more

Shacka-kan-Shacka-kan! It’s a Panda

On weed.
Nice day ain’t it?

Well, I have yet to log on to FlyFF, Saturday seems like a long time away.

If a Panda lost its spots, would it be..

A Polar Bear? Or a Black Bear.
Ponder, n00bs.
Anyway, after a long, hard day of cracking down on my FaceLess Void Skills, I went to the FlyFF website, and clicked…
“DownLoad FlyFF”
Within 39 minutes and 23 seconds, the game was in my possession.
So then I went to take a nap.
Which lasted 3 hours and 42 minutes.
And a broken back, from sleeping on a handball.
Stupid handballs.
Well, now I am offically a Mian.
Add LunarPanda if you play FlyFF and are on The Mia Server. read more

*Swoosh* Wait a sec-Pandas can’t fly

So…how’s everyone enjoying this glorious new year of illegal FireCrackers going off?
Yeah, I think it’s awesome too.

But anyway, I have homework to do, so I think I’ll try to make this as fast and simple to get into all those thick skulls out there.


Merry-No…wait..HAPPY NEW YEAR

Well, fellow MMOTer’s, it’s time to ring in a new year.
What wars shall we face this year? 😀

Well, anyway, happy new year, guys! Can’t believe how fast 2006 has flown by and-
Oh look, some couple making out on TV
Anyways, this is also a New Maple Year!
So I think I’ll go down to Bera and wish everyone a happy new year. read more

Blarg can change! Blarg mean it!

This whole week has been anti-Panda to me.

All my projects are gonna be turned in late and everything and I’m missing like.. one gerjillion Homeworks.
God I wish I could bring out the essence of homework, look it right in the eye, reason with it.
Then stab it.
Well, I guess life can’t always be perfect, asides from the fact that I got 3 free mokbi yesterday and a 10% Overall DEX for 300k.
And a shiny, spanking set of tobi.
Oh wait-wha-what was this blog about?
*Reads Title*
Oh yes, I am adapting myself to ‘Blarg’ The Unholy Cretin of Insatible DOOM
And retard-ation
Blarg think Amoria stupid, Blarg thought was good at first, finding marriage and stufforz, but now Blarg see you need NX cash, and Blarg mad.
Blarg smash Nexon with Hammer of Flamer
291 ATK, 500 LUK, 50 STR, 500 DEX, 50 INT, 999999 MP+HP, 0 slots
And shiny flaming effects.
Blarg spent day trying PQ.
Ailshar no strong against Blarg. read more

Whoooo…Good Day to start a rant, eh?

Well, I’ll start with the day’s Sin Journal, which was actually from yesterday…no, wait…Sunday…I think…no wait, it was yesterday.
Day Start: 5:30PM
Day End: 6:30 PM
Overall Rating for Day: 8/10
I started foolishly on Channel one, female dog slapped in the face with an enormous wave of lag of the grand Lego-er-Eos Tower. I was instantly recruited, being the only sin in the group. Haste sin if you will, Max Haste>Crappy Pink Critical. Anyway, we also got IN instantly, making me almost jump to the ceiling. We got through the stages farely quickly, and were it not for an excessively ‘tarded noob in our group, I think we woulda been able to female dog slap Ailshar. On the Nipples. On Stage 8, he repeatedly said, refusing to get off his number, “Z0MFG U NBS U CHCK HIDDEN STRET”
A quick, Pandarian Defame stopped that.
Not quick enough, the time wasted was about 20 minutes, and thus, when we got to Ailshar, I dced cause of some Spanish Advertisement on my phone, D/Cing me.
Sports:Spent a good 10 Minutes Working around LudiBrium with buddies, naked, ranting on my good friend DeadWater’s sucess to 70. We got a hefta throng of F6’s, but who gives a flying [bleep] On a primitive baseball game against 10 of my buddies, we lost 6-10. I’ll explain this baseball type at the end.
Money:Lost 20k betting on real life cricket races, against cousin.
Health:Eat a salad, hurl it up. (No, I’m not anorexic, cause it had some shrimp I didn’t notice, I love shrimp, but I’m allergic. Managed to workout some hunting Chronos.
Politics:GO SHYNOBI! BERA PRIDE *Strips into CheerLeader Suit, then realizes self is male, and hara-kiri’s* Tiger is my George Bush. *Shudder* read more

Oh My God…I’m going Anti-Maple+EMO

Sweet berjesus.
I had 3 of my friends at my house hide the knives.
It’s sickening.
But anyway.
First topic.
I don’t know why..maybe because it’s become cliche.
Like, 4th-5th grade, only me and a handful played maple, I loved it, being able to talk about something no one else knew about, now, my friend makes the whole school know maple, and I can’t say “I have a plus 6 meba” without getting, “Wow, you suck, I got a +7)
A.Mine has 2 60%’s scrolls on it, yours, 7 100%’s, so shut up and sit down.
B.I don’t care about you, I really don’t, I don’t know you and…you’re probraly a noob.
Darn braggers.
I’m trying to seclude myself to games my buds don’t know about as much.
Here is the Pandarian Pirates list.
1.Gunz Online
2.Guild Wars
4.Silk Road
All of them aren’t 100% my style, maple was my weed.
And now my weed has vanished.
Berjesus. read more

Cries to The Moon Chap 1.

-Cries to The Moon-
Chapter One: The Misfits

Shizu flew, dodging, weaving throughout the hordes of the people of Kerning City, “Crud, spent too much time robbing, Notasu sensei’s gonna murder me,” he thought, his blue white-bottom shoes scraping the ground. Flinging himself past another horde, he skidded to a stop at the gates, presented his Student ID and ran for it, giving a brief glance at the soon to be rising sun sky. “Ten minutes late…” he muttered, then propelled himself off the floor, crashing onto a construction site beam, “Argh, when the heck are they gonna finish this piece of shi-“ his curse was cut short by a punch to the face, which left him sprawling. “Shizu! Why in the name of Dark Lord are you this late?!” a man appeared from the shadows, somewhat muscular, with a Silver Identity covering his eyes, and a mask covering the bottom half, leaving a pretty much masked face. “N-Notasu sensei, shee, didn’t have ta PUNCH ME ya freak!” Shizu yelled back,
A laughter sounded off in the distance, causing the two rouges to snap their heads to the right. “So this is how thieves act? Ugh, gonna be one freak of a team,” Ignotika said, shaking his head, “Well, at least we can get some cash from them, maybe to get a new bow for me,” Pocki smiled, laughing, “Or a spear,” Rose responded, swinging her “PitchFork” from side to side. “C’mon guys, give him a chance, just guard your wallets 24/7” Kyle laughed, putting his Iloon back in its sheath.
A flame flickered quietly in Shizu’s home, the new team quietly discussing what was happening.
“So, we’ve all been selected to form a team of special elite ops” Shizu said quietly
“Yes,” the rest of the team said in union
“And because we’ve all experienced a death in our family, our leaders expect us to be more able with assassination missons,”
“And we are to meet for something about dead things moving”
“And you expect me to believe all this crud”
“Corre- IT’S THE TRUTH” the team shouted,
“OH PSH, I AIN”T GONNA BELIEVE TEN SECONDS OF THAT BLAM” Shizu hollered, then thudded himself onto his bed, “But since you say there are bounties…I suppose I could use the money,” he smirked, “But it’d better be worth my time”
“Trust us, it’s going to be, first meeting with your Dark Lord is tomorrow at one AM, be there.”
A Mushroom alarm clock hummed loudly, and a soft hand pressed the “Sleep” button. “Ugh, it’s one AM already?” Pocki groaned, then threw her blanket to the side, strapped on her armor, grabbed her Hunter’s Bow, and stormed out of the door after a hug to her family picture.
“Well, well, the archer’s late,” Shizu yawned as Pocki stormed in, a bit bruised, “Darn the monsters of Kerning City, darn them!” she yelled, clearly aggravated, “Well,” Rose pushed in, “We better get to the Dark Lord,” Kyle muttered, “Come on, before he gets mad,” read more