All posts by LunarPanda

In which the Panda Phails.

So, I got my Report Card two days ago.
The grades that I saw shocked even me. And I’m used to crappy grades.
My worse was Spanish, barely touching 65.
How I hate learning new languages.
Fuqinese, Fuzhounese, Fujianese, Mandarin, and English are enough.

Anyway, I’m bunkered down at a friend’s house right now, as if I so much as touch the home computer, I’ll have my arm inserted into the rear end of a Shark, my leg filled with Man-Eating Pineapples, and my Ear filled with Chinese Hot Sauce. read more

And thus the Pandarian Cult Expands

[Notice] Shatred has joined Aquilia of MapleStory SEA. My smexiness is magnetic, I guess.

Anyway, since I haven’t played today, I’ll reflect on the happenings of yesterday.

Well, first thing’s quite obvious. Shatred joined MSEA with Rose, Silver, Iepi and I! Whewt!
She’s currently a bandit-to-be, and the closest one to my age group, so I don’t feel as immature to the ancient (And/or SHORT *Cough* Rose *Cough) Silvah and Rose. Iepi has refused to tell me his age, but he’s stated that I’m younger than him. So ha. read more

The Shire, Sparta, and HogWarts.

Whew. Good Friday. A day for all Singaporians to celebrate and revel in. A public holiday. An event.

A day off to Maple yer arse off.

I started the day alone, simply gutting a Mushroom here or there, stabbing the occasional plotting Red Snail, and flinging a shroom 90000 MPH into a wall. It was still lonely, however.

Then Roisin (I just call her Rose now) and Iepiat (I call him Iepi) came on, and we had a blast, slowly training and talking. I consistently checked my clock to see when Silver would be on, but forgot after a while. read more

ShapeShifter, Complete

Eh, no one really like thiese, but I’m bored, and I want more classes to make >.>
Vote this time, pl0x.

For other class ideas, refer to-

link – Vorpal Blader

link – Gravity Mage

Well people, without further ad- whatever, I present- THE AMAZING SHAPESHIFTER


[2nd Job Advancement]
[Required First Class: Magician]
[Disc: A specialzed group of Mana Molders, effective at using mana to reshape their own bodies, becoming deadly creatures. They neither wear the traditional garb or weaponry of mages. They prefer light, loose clothing and Shamanic Claws to focus their mana on.]
[Normal Maple Skills]
=============================================================== read more

Vorpal Blader, COMPLETE

Again, I like making new classes, and imagining my awesomeness with them.
Oh shush >.>


My 4 Newest choices


My Gravity Mage.


[2nd Job Advancement]
[Required First Class: Rouge]
[Desc: A class of Rouges efficient at fighting without hiding, they have techniques that are blunt, attracting many creatures, all to be cut by a Four Pronged Spinning Fan of Death] read more

Free CheesePieWaffle. And a new Word.

Yeah, a floofing-ly ghey title.
Ignore it.

Now, as I moped over the loss of ShurikenLord, I started to want to just play Maple, on anything, ShurikenLord or not. Now, this was impossible, Global didn’t work for me.
MapleSEA, a friend of mine played it, with his level 82 Cheif Banditos.
I waddled (Or Clicked) my way over to the floofin’ MapleSEA website, yes I did.
Slapped me with a 25 minute download.
Floof you, Wizet.
God I love that word now, floof.
Anyway, once the download was finished, I hovered my mouse over the MapleStory icon, holding my breath (Well, I was drinking a soda anyway) and praying to the God of…Floof Pandas that it would work.
I was met with an AsiaSoft Icon and A Wizet Icon.
Keep your grubby hands off our awesome game.
Anyway, to make the point short, I am now a level 9 I/L Wizard to be, “LunarFrost”
If you wanna add me..
World: Casserole. read more

In Russia, the car drives YOU.

While it has only been 2-3 days since MapleStory has stopped functioning for me, I find myself in a state of near nervous breakdown. Insanity slowly finds its way into me, and I almost screamed from friends talking about Maple, the only thing keeping me from doing so was the fact that my principal was nearby.

Yesterday, out of sheer disbelief that my Assassin would be taken away from me, I redownloaded Maple 13 times. I missed 3 homework assignments and ignored phonecalls that could ruin the internet connection. Even some friends noticed that I was a little less energetic, happy and funny. And when I missed a clear, easy shot in hockey today, they began to ask me what in heck was going on. read more

The Reason I can’t play Maple

Darn j00, nexon.
Maple worked fine until you came along.

Well, when Maple starts, THERE IS NO MUSHROOM thingy, just the top left thingy that stops at connect.
So I tried re-installing Maple.
MapleStory.msi got all the way to the end of the load screen, then stopped for 10 minutes, before a new thing popped up.
So I went to Add or Remove programs.
And I was surprised to see a Repair option, which, when I clicked said.
Any help is highly appreciated.
(I have tried re-installing, restarting the comp, restarting the internet, Eating a Waffle) read more

l0l0lzorz omg a squirrel.

11:25 AM, waiting for the Pig Race at Chinartown while eating my Waffle in front of 3 squirrels.
My friends and I just kid around, betting on which Pig would win, and suddenly.
=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=–=- read more

Squirrels Eat Pizza

Chyeah. It’s awesome.
But only one of them is eating the Pizza, we will call him 1337 d00d.
The others are just n00bs that eat Sunflower seeds.
We will call them Not-1337-d00d.

Anyway, MapleStory still refuses to work, and after redownloading it, I don’t even get the freaking Mushroom Gamguard anymore! Just the boring little top left screen, stupid Error 340, my internet is perfect darnit! And all my firewalls are down! What more do you want from me, Nexon???? read more