I will never be anything more than a pixel love to the guy I like. How do I know this? Well, today he talked to me about our possible maple marriage, and asked why I had been avoiding him/why I was mad at him. So I told him everything. I had left the guild because it depressed me to be that close to him and to hear him talk about the girls he liked irl. And basically, he told me he felt close to me, but it would never be anything more than pixelated love to him. Talk about a downer right?
All posts by Leithia
I meant to make this a long, big story about all the drama in my maple life, but I’m too worn out to do much but go back to my nest of blankets and cry some more over getting my heart broken~ I’m emo, shut up and deal with it or get out <3 Anyway, I’m still alove, just been going through hell lately, in real life and in maple. Dunno when I’ll blog again.
Finally got my spearnub to 43 <3 impaler rocks. I’ve been pqing him a lot lately, it’s a TON of fun. I’ve met a lot of cool people pqing, gotten a few good scrolls, mainly helm def and overall dex XD
Bad-ish experience time. I went crogging a few times on Lei, and one time, I was able to kill one crog, scroll dropped, but then the other crog KILLED ME T_T Guard ran out and I died. So my friend Cho came out to try to get it, got killed, then my friend Zoe went out to try to get it, and she got killed. Then the scroll poofed TT____TT It sucked.
Been a while again
Ok, first things first. Got to lvl 87, yay! Got a max luk red osfa set for 9x, and 72 mdef roses. Found some purple osfa boots at goby I may or may not use, it depends. Anyway, kind of a lot to catch up on, holidays have been hectic.
First, some real life bad news. My best friend since first grade’s dad has pancreatic cancer. So things are kind of chaotic right now, and I may be going up to her state to visit her to be there for her. They think they caught it early so he should be fine. It just makes things kind of intense real life because since we live in separate states, I really can’t do much right now.
I was debating earlier about what lvl goal to make next, and I was thinking that I might try to stretch for 90 before I go back to school, which is the 12th. So I have about 3 weeks to get 4 lvls, which may or may not happen. If I can get 87 later tnight/tomorrow, then I probably can make it, since at 87 I can join goby parties, which are a lot less expensive than solo asploding.
Made it!
Made it to 85 today XD And I think I’m done with goby, trying to click with my laptop mouse repeatedy hurts my finger ;_; Not to mention all the meso I waste… Anyway, I’ve officially passed my guild leader by a lvl. I ad passed him in % before I lvled, and he said that it was “hard to swallow” that I had passed him. Which kinda got me irked. I mean, over summer when I was passing everyone in the guild, he half joked about me passing him, and now that it’s happened he seems to be aggitated. I don’t plan on working hard the rest of the year, just relaxing and trying new training areas, and mabey going to get more money since I only have about 34mil left til I sell some more junks.
50% left til year end goal~
Yay! I lvled again today on goby, and I got another 50%~ I’m now only half a lvl away from my year end goal. When I first started maple, I wanted to get lvl 50 before the end of the year. Now I’ve seen how hard I’ve played, and it’s pretty incredible. Once I hit 50, I just kept boosting my goals to 60, 3rd job, 80, and now 85. Once I hit 85, I think I’ll just coast the rest of the year. Then, lvl 100 by April! ..Or at least 9x ^^;
goby fun~
I tried gobies today. and it was so much FUN! I got the timing perfect now XD I might try training there for a few lvls, 85 at least if my meso can hold out that long. Shouldn’t be too hard, it’s only 2 lvls. Then I’ll see from there.
Anyway, I was thinking of starting a new warrior for fun, but I can’t decide between fighter/sader and page/wk. So if anyone has any opinions comment for me. I’m leaning a bit towards page/wk because elemental attacks = hot, but saders have combo… So leave me opinions of which you think is better and why XD I’m off for the night.
small update
ok, so in the past few days I haven’t been on maple as I had planned on over break mainly because with no wireless means I have to share a connection with my dad and sister, so I rarely get the net line to myself. Anyway.
A day or so ago me and my guild leader went to go to MM, and on our second MM, we saw Shynobi~ Which I thought was pretty cool, I took some screens of it XD I was assaultering irons when he landed down by me so I snapped a screen of it for the moment.
intarwebs died lawl
Yea, my connection, or rather my wireless modem died, so I’ve been without nets for *gasp* 2 whole days! AND I SURVIVED! *clings to beautiful laptop* I ended up watching Click and RV to pass the time, but surprisingly, I wasn’t dying from maple withdrawl. I wondered what my friends were doing but that was pretty much it. I had my finals the other day, so I’m clear from school til the 12th of January, and then I only have classes monday and wensday, and just ONE on friday No more 5hr gap between my classes~ Plus, it’s only 2 days a week really, the class on friday is an hour long, so I’m only there for a little bit, which is nice.