All posts by lana

Last Maple Message

Okay, I got some people asking me why I never finished the stories. There’s a little story behind both of them, but to tell you the truth, both of them was for the same main reason.

I’m lazy .

Well what can I say? I have this perfectly planed story in my head, but it’s too long, and you just give up hope. I mean, the stories still in my mind, it’s just not on the internet. Well since I’m still too lazy to write out the entire story “ A Noob’s Climb” and “The Strength to move on”, I’m just going to write the ending and you can fill in the rest in my next blog. read more

The strength to move on Part II

-May need to have read The strength to move on Part I to understand story-

Blehhh, wrote this at like 3AM >___< Might have some grammer and spelling issues. xPP

Dear Lana,

It’s been a while hasn’t it? I got so much to tell you. I’ve been doing well, how have you been? I signed in to the El Nath Winter Lodge the other day and the dude behind the counter said I looked like an Aaron. Lol, weird eh? Anyway, you’re probably wondering why I’m writing. Well, for one thing, I’m thrilled. Know why? read more

The Strength To Move On Part I

My axe fell down as I gasped with pain and exhaustion. Sweat poured down my face despite the cold. The huge gash on my right leg did not feeling any better, and I could hardly move to safety.
Suddenly, an old skinny hand hit my back with full force and pushed me forward. I became limp and fell to the ground, ice and rocks dug into my face. Slowly, and excruciatingly, I got up and swung my axe at the creature, cutting through its thin body. It died with a loud moan, and let out a green cloud of poison that filled my lungs. I felt weak and suddenly had trouble breathing.
“This is NOT how a lady should be treated” I thought bitterly as I jumped for a rope as another creature swiped at me. Holding my axe, I slowly crawled up the rope, set up a little folding chair I carried everywhere and sat down on it.
My head was still spinning around from the poison but I was feeling a little bit better. I looked around me as a wolf howled in the distance. From every direction all I could see were Ice Mountains, and below the safe cliff where I sat, were memories of the living.
They were everywhere, trying to make any traveller they see into one of them. The merciless creatures played unfairly and many people found them an annoyance. So why was I here? And why are the hundreds of other Maplers here, fighting with the zombies endlessly day and night. Some are here simply to kill the zombies, other are here to make the ones trying to kill the zombies frustrated, or simply because they want to see the zombies, for enjoyment. I was here to prove myself to the zombies that I was better then them. That after years of training I could finally face them, and be victorious. I wanted to be stronger then them, I wanted power, and strength.
I took a deep breath, and tried to clear my head with thoughts of the urge for power. I didn’t want to be completely consumed by the need to be better. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a tiny flower. It was frozen and looked old and decayed. Anyone else would have seen it as trash, but I treasured it beyond anything else.
With a stiff cold hand, I felt the soft petal, still baby skin smooth even after all it’s been through. My heart ached as I remember whom it came from. My mind blurred as I remembered a while back, when I was with him. It was a sunny day and we were hanging around Henesy, when he picked up a flower and said
“ Oh look, I’m getting married” He laughed and threw the flower. I reached out and grabbed it.
“Now that I caught it, does it mean I get to marry you?” I joked as I planted a kiss on his cheek. He slipped his arms around me and gave me a hug, his soft breath on my hair.
Tears formed around my eyes, quickly freezing, and stinging my eyes. I pushed them away and remembered the incident that made me loose him. The day he met her. I always thought I was the one for him. But I guess it wasn’t true. When he met with her he broke my heart. He told me he still loved me, but I don’t believe it. I was consumed with anger when I first found out. Now I know it’s useless. But it still kills me inside to know he’s still out there, but in love with another.
I’ve kept the flower ever since, and I always will. As long as I love the one I gave my heart to, I’ll keep the flower. I reached into my pocket again. This time I pulled out a sealed envelope. On the top it said the return address, and the reason I was terrified to open the letter. read more

A Noob’s Climb Part V

“One more level, and I cant party quest anymore!” Someone shouted making me wake up with a scream. I groaned shaking my head trying to get rid of the pain from bumping it on a metal pole when I sat up suddenly. I silently cursed the person who woke me up. I stood up, letting the morning sunshine on my arms and face.
“Hey, bet Lana’s awake” Lisa said over guild trying out the new guild feature of Scorpia.
“How do you know?” Amber asked
“No one can scream as loud as she can” Lisa laughed
“I bet I could prove you wrong” I mumbled, but I couldn’t help but laugh. I was used to rude awakenings in the morning. It was just something that came with Victoria Island. It was even hard a place to sleep. Suddenly, I remembered the person who shouted about the party quest.
“Hey, who can’t party quest anymore?” I asked as I started to walk down the path of Kerning with the afternoon sun beating on me making every step painful.
“Me” Kevin said miserably “I party quested so many times I find it strange not to be able to do so anymore. Have you ever party quested?”
“Nope, I’m way to scared to” I answered. I heard Kenneth laugh, but ignored him, I knew that he was someone who never party quested before too.
“Well, since this is my last level, wanna Party Quest with me?” Kevin asked. I suddenly stopped. An Assassin who was walking behind me crashed into me. He swore loudly and glared at me. I mumbled quietly ”sorry” as he walked off mumbling to himself. I was shocked, and scared. Of course I wanted to Party Quest! It was even an added bonus that one of my friends could help me through my first time. Yet another bonus that that one friend was a cleric. So why was I scared?
“Is it hard?” I asked with uncertainty. What if I died? What if I couldn’t do anything properly and the leader just kicked me out? I heard from people that the warrior is not the best job to party quest with. I ran behind a bunch of pipes beside the Party Quest area where I saw Kevin was talking to me over buddy along with what seemed like 5 million other people. I gulped.
“No” Kevin answered in a monotone voice
“Did someone say Party Quest?” Lissa, the warrior I met in Orbis and my only female warrior friend asked
“Yeah…I’m gonna do a Party Quest later, with Kevin” I said before I could stop myself. What did I get myself into? ME, Lana, The WARRIOR? I started gasping that then turned into choking. As I started my coughing fit, I saw Kevin turn and notice someone hiding from behind the pipes. He started to move towards me as I sunk lower trying to hide myself from the embarrassment.
“Hey Lana” Kevin smiled. He was leaning on the pipes with his head around the pipes looking at me cuddled in the corner. I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment.
“Is it okay if I party quest with you guys?” Lissa asked. I agreed and asked Kevin if she could join since he didn’t have her on his buddy. Kevin agreed and asked Amber to join us who happily agreed.
“Hey, I get to party with a group of noobs!” Kevin said a warm smile on his face.
“It’s okay Kevin, we’ll cut you some slack since we’re so awesome. Not all noobs let you party with them you know” Lissa joked. Kevin laughed, his warm voice filling the air around him but not enough to fill the empty feeling in my stomach. I was even scared that Lissa had made that joke, what if she said it while I was in trouble? What if I was going to die? I turned to Amber and Lissa, seeing them act so confident made me seem really silly. Kevin did lots of Party Quests, he survived… why be such a noob? I held on my Fusion Mace tightly, hoping for something to calm me down, but not sure what.
“Lana? Are you okay?” Amber gave me a caring look, something that wanted me to break down and cry. But I didn’t want my other friends to think I was a little baby. I kept still, maybe a bit too still. I loosened up, was it too much? Why was I being so self-conscious?
“Yeah, course. Why wouldn’t I be?” I said trying not to sound like I was going die.
“You look a little pale, that’s all. I’m really nervous, are you?”
“Just a bit” I lied hoping she didn’t notice my face reddening. I looked around, everyone seemed so much stronger then I was. Everyone seemed so calm. I bit my lip and looked at the ground hoping that we couldn’t get into the Party Quest.
Suddenly, I felt a black light. I was falling. This seems like transporting with a town scroll I thought to myself. When I fell, I didn’t fall into the Kerning ground, or any other town. I fell on a log somewhere in a swamp. I looked around, trying to clear my head. Around me, my party members were too, standing up and taking in where we were. Where were we? We couldn’t be… no that cant be possible…can it?
A triumphant “YES” from Kevin confirmed my fears. I wondered what I had to do. Since I saw all my party members walk up to a girl with a staff. I followed. After they all talked to her, I walked up to her.
“Your question is the number on strength that a warrior needs to get its first job.” She said. My question? What question? I knew that answer to what she asked though, being a warrior.
I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Kevin behind me holding 5 coupons in his hand.
“Help?” He asked
“Please” I said letting the tears I had held on since I was added to the party and I was waiting in Kerning go in the Party Quest area. Kevin gave me a worried look.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” He dropped the coupons letting them fall into the swamp trying to keep me steady as I fell to my knees. I wiped the tears away, trying to hide my bright red face.
“Nothing, I guess I was more scared then I thought” To my surprise Kevin didn’t turn away in disgust, or call me a hurtful name. He smiled understandingly, somehow making me feel even worse.
“It’s okay, we were all new once, right?” I looked away. Okay, so everyone was new once, no one broke down like I did. Even Amber and Lissa didn’t act like such a noob. Oh my god, Amber and Lissa!
“ I better get going, Amber and Lissa must be done by now.” I said standing up, acting like nothing had happened at all. Kevin looked uncertain but nodded. He explained that I needed the number of coupons that answered the question the girl with the staff asked. The coupons came from the Ligator. I nodded and got to work. read more