LOL! jesus i feel happy like never before 
Why? its a secret… lol, just kiddin.. anyway some (vey very very very) noob rogue (not sin or dit, rogue) sold me a 61 WA (if it was WA lol) maple soul searcher for 330k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=]
i feel kinda bad for that noob though. lol but hey, not my fault i didn’t try to scam him, he got scanned for wantin it. yea, he offered the 330k….. darn, he has no idea how noob he is. i also have a maple bow which is above avg. (i dun remember what WA it is but its above avg.)
so my very noobi lvl 30 hunter is all set=]
yay. i have a lvl 43 cleric and i swear i have no idea what to do with him.
i’m so sick of pq i can’t even imagine it, i’ve done all the possible quests, even the ones that are waaaay not worth it… and i dunno what to train on:S:S:S
some ppl told me chronos, which i tried but i soon gave up for 4 reasons:
1. the spawn is sooooooooo lousy!!
2. instead of just a straight ground where the monsters can be its full of little floors at a size of this dot=. where are 3 monsters on each one.. =.= which makes the bad spawn problam even worse.
3. i lagg horribly. not like dcing and stuff, well i dun dc alot.. but it takes about 2 years or so to pick things off the ground, and once i heal to attk a chronos i have to wait 3 houres, only then heal again. i think it has something to do with the fact that im from israel, and i play Msea… far away :0
4.almost every chnk has a hacker, and the once that arent are full of third jobers gettin the history books to get the hat for theit perma noobs T_T. read more