here is me (poisfireice) and some of or guild memebers fooling about.
Its my guild im proud of it.
thiefdiablo lv 20min later to lv 42 w00t.
hope u like the pic
poisfireice, knightjens
here is me (poisfireice) and some of or guild memebers fooling about.
Its my guild im proud of it.
thiefdiablo lv 20min later to lv 42 w00t.
hope u like the pic
poisfireice, knightjens
Today I am furious. I was out there getting loads if people to come. Come for what? To report a miss hacker. We had over 30 people to report this guy. He was called fcksins even the name is Why didnt gm come if so many ppl report this game. I really really am pissed about GM as they call themself.
I even gave ppl 100k and 50k and 25k to award them.
the only good thing is that i made guild on Windia.