Ack, the GMS .45 patch was extended by two hours. I can’t remember a patch in GMS that hasn’t been extended now . I just got my Fraps registered and I really want to make a movie, and work on getting to level 70 soon. 18 levels until 3rd job
. Anyways, the 00045.txt file was added to the GMS FTP, but it still has all of the old .44 info on it.
.45 FTP Info
I’ll keep you guys posted, and blog about what I find next.
All posts by kirby9058
Maplestory MOB promotion
To anyone that hasn’t seen this yet, Maplestory (GMS) is having this promotion website to help promote their new commercials and as campaigns. It’s called Maplestory MOB. The promotion has you complete real life “quests” to earn “fame points.” For every 5 fame points that a user earns, you get 1k worth of maple points added to your GMS account. The quests right now include, getting recruits (1 fame point per user), posting the Maplestory MOB banners online (send in screen shots and links to earn points), and sending in Maple cosplay pictures (5 points for a good picture.) It’s a great promotion, and pretty much effortless to sign up.
Here’s the link for you all: Maplestory MOB
Got my Zakum helmet today :D
Well, today I finally got my Zakum helmet. At level 50 . I bought it from pirates, a single run for 70mil. From what I understand I’m the first person to have gotten a Zakum helmet on a package one deal from Pirates. Not to mention I got it at level 50.
I felt pretty proud of myself.
After getting the helm, I PQ’d a couple times and got to level 51 at FoG. I’m ready for some serious grinding and money making tomorrow . If you wanna chat, you can always buddy MrHakujin of Bellocan. Anyways, here’s some screens:
Wow, today I got 25k NX cash for FREE!
So yeah, today was a pretty AWESOME day in Bellocan for me! I got from level 21-24 on my new cleric and I’ll probably level again once or twice later tonight! I did a PQ and reported some hacker, and just grinded most of the day. But the highlight of my day was getting 25k NX cash for free!
I was listening to maple-radio (, awesome site! ) and they had this ad for “Gaming Lagoon” to get free NX cash. I was talking to some of the DJ’s on skype and they all said it works, so I figured I’d give it a try
. For the FIRST TIME EVER I found a site online that pays off! I’ve NEVER gotten anything before, but I got my 25k NX Cash card for MapleStory today!
They just emailed me the code so I didn’t have to wait or anything. It was awesome.