It all started at May 19 at 7:30 pm i think.. or was it 8 pm? i dunno anymore but i didn’t had any luck on finding maple items yet.. so i wondered what i would get today. I was training in Ludi- Terrace hall.. came there-every chnnl was full >.< .. finally i decided to go a map further.. i know it’s a bit less better for the Maple Drops.. but hey. what ya gotta do when the chnnls are all used?? .. So i came there i started to kill some Cakes and what?? my first cake dropped a perfect Maple Wagner !! i couldn’t believe my eyes.. me never lucky at all at finding some good items.. I was litteruraly, well.. jumping for, well how’d you call ‘Great Happiness’ ?! Since that day i’d became luckier in finding good stuff!!