Hi Everyone. Happy Independence day :D. Well, I want to thank IndigoLove for giving me some stuff to start off my new Khaini Mage. After 3 days of playing (not 24 hrs a day) I got up to lvl 21 . ReRunVanPelt has had many questions of “Are you Dutch?” [VanPelt is usually a Dutch last name]. No, I am Asian. Haha. ReRunVanPelt is just a character of those Charlie Brown Comics (aka Peanuts). For those of you who know, it is Linus and Lucy’s little bother ^.^;; For those of you who dont– eh. . . Moving on~ My Aunt gave me 10k NX and I spent 7k of it already o_o. I bought 12 fireworks, Kerning VIP hair coupon, and a Rage Face. I’ll post some screenies later because I dont have any on this computer =X. I met some other people who called me noob, including a lvl 2X person. While I, myself was 2X -.-; I met some nice people here and there, but Khaini is SO EMPTY– yet Bera is TOO FULL. I tried my luck buying a Panlid for 100k [which I could find easily in Bera], what did I get? “250k, take it or leave it.” *sigh*. Prices change and etc when i move to a new server. Why did I ever leave Bera ;_;? It was over populated. Why did I got to Khaini? I dont have the slightest clue. Any of you who want to add me to buddy, go ahead.
All posts by JesusFreak
My Side of a Maple Romance Story 13 LAST
Matt [shouting]: D*mn b*tch, get away from my girl or your friend dies.
Me [calmly]: You know that she wont love you if you kill him, right?
Matt: B*tch you heard me.
Jon stared at Matt without fear in his eyes. Jon’s fingers crept to his bedside table, as he reached for the Shinkita. I nodded at Jon and attempted to stall Matt.
Me: Okay. . . Matt what the hell did you do to make her ditch you anyways?
Matt [angrily]: Not me . . . it’s what YOU did!
Mip’s Par-tay :D
Well, I came very late and spent about 20 min at the party chatting with people and seeing Mip’s mom scream at people. But um- it was fun. Ehh– clawmauler started a strip fest and came in as ClawMauler, then the Blueranger, and then um– a stripper o_0. Lolz. We gonna hold another one of these parties hopefully ^^;;.
1st Pic: mip’s mom
2nd Pic: clawmauler’s strip fest
3rd Pic: more strip fest o.0
4th Pic: Me with Claw after tha party
My Side of a Maple Romance Story 11 new
I stared with fear in my eyes. Grendel lifted his staff and charged up for an attack.
Lil Turtle. . .
Lil Turtle: Get away from me. . . please. . .
Jon [screams in pain]: Aaah!!
+Flashback Ends+
Grendel: Get ready to die!
A giant blast shot at me. I stared– paralyzed with fear. Sweat dripped down my face. I pulled a Kumbi from my pocket and cut myself on my arm. I suddenly jumped away from the blast. I used pain to stop myself from being immobolized. I ran for my life. Mages surrounded me. I quickly Flash Jumped over a whole crowd. A middle-aged man cast a lightening spell. I was shocked and fell to the ground. I gave a groan.
Story Writing Tips– By JF
I see blogs and forum posts saying advertising their stories. And now people are complaining that my stories (as well as Mip and Aaru’s) are gettin’ more views. I started out as a begginer writer as well. Look at my MMO Id badge. I have nearly 30k views. And then look @ sushiXchris’s ID Badge. That’s a lot of views isnt it? Well it took me that long to get where I am. You people give up to easily! I write for my own pleasure, not for “Omigosh please write more1111!!!1111!!1 i luv yur stories!!!”. Those are bonuses. I’ve always wanted to write a story, but never was motivated enough. Now I hit that mark that I actually want to write.
MMO Tales Thoughts [bad exp too] by JF
CrystalMyth/ChiefBandit (and what not are his/her accounts) are complete losers, let’s get that straight first ^.~.
She’s cool and CrystalMyth keeps saying very stupid things about her. I dare not repeat because I dont want to get banned from posting -_-;; Anyways– The only person who seems to have a problem with Mip is CyrstalMyth. I highly doubt that you have a lvl 12X hermit because for a fact, high lvls arent idiots like you. They might be mean to noobs (or low lvl people) but you’re just 100% baka.
~Tribute to my Friends~
W00t this is not about any MMO but yeah, I gotta pay tribute to my friends because they’re tha best in the whole world And you dont have to read this because it’s probably a waste of your time XD but o well. I’m maxing out my 3 blog a day limit and I dont feel like comintuing my stories at the moment so I’m writing this
My Side of a Maple Romance Story 10 new
Well, as many have noticed, my romance story isnt very romance-ey anymore. Just ignor the title for now xD. Btw I’m trying to end these stories soon. Well, okay. . . I rush these way too much. I might start another story after this tho =| (yes this is going to be a shocker but o well xD)
Sam shot a lightening spear at me. I pulled Jon and Alex away. I used Haste and commanded them to use Darksight. Sam teleported and launched an Energy Bolt at me.
My Side of a Maple Romance Story 6 (new)
Me: Chris. . . is that you?
Chris [stumbling]: Yeah. . .
Me [few tears coming out]: When you were better, how come you didnt come back to me?
Chris: I’m really, really sorry. It’s like this, well. . . I swore to myself that I wouldnt ever go back to you, until I knew I could protect you. I felt bad. I saw Will go into your house, and you forgot to close a window. I heard the conversation. I knew some people were going to ask you out, but then. . . I knew I wasnt strong enough to stand my ground and protect you. So I went back to teh Dark Lord and did some training. Now I’m, you know. . . like this.
My Side of a Maple Romance Story 4 (new)
I woke up. I looked out my window. It wasnt sunrise yet. I went to the bathroom and used a washcloth so wash my face with warm water. I stared out my window. I saw a shadow moving around. The shadow seemed to be a male. I saw a small blue point on the shadow’s arm. And by the shape, it looked like a Silver Identity and a set of Scorpio clothes. I wanted to see who it was. I wore my White Guilitan, Dark Moon light, and my shoes. I grabbed my wand from my bed side table and went outside. I had to walk, or the flash of my Teleport would give me away. I walked towards the mysterious shadow.