So i went from level 11 to level 16 in 2+ Hours. may not be quick compaired to other people but i really want to get to level 30 quickly so i can get the delphinus bandana.
Anyways, i saw a blog on here with some Hidden map i’ve never seen before, so i checked out the thing on hidden-street, and found out where the secret portal is. It’s Hidden Street: mushroom garden, which would be good for R3D since i’m training on everything that you can find on maple island + Slimes and Stumps. The map only has red snails, shrooms, and orange shrooms, but it’s still good Exp. SO…. the first map i was in was what i thought, e-m-p-t-y, so i started to train. a minute later this level 16 fmale with noob clothes on comes up to me, and utters the “popular” phrase, “cc plz” which i reply “I was here first” then she claims she was there 8 hours ago. to which i literally Rolled on the floor laughing. So i just keep training like always, she follows me, and then she starts to say really stupid things like “So high level ppl train here too”, coming from a person one levelHIGHER than me -__- and then she starts insulting me and after she called me a “noob” i defamed and CC’ed. so i’m back at ’em, and then less than 10 minutes later this level 10+ archer comes into the map and so i just ignore him. he goes to the top part of the map and i go up there a minute later because the spawn on the bottom was suuuper slow so i wnet up there, he said “go back down” which i reply “no” so he just F6’s me and i just keep on training. ii eventually get tired of having him in my map so i CC’ed AGAIN and found an empty map and trained there. once i reched 96.90% i D/Ced -___________________-
I got in a few minutes later and leveled up to 16. so now i need at least one more level today to keep my goal.