All posts by iPhailAtLife

The Ancient Curse. Part 1.

Hey wassup yall! This is my first post, and also the first story in a series. Read on to find out what it’s about.

Long ago, Kerning City was regarded as a place filled with many joyous memories. It was once a city filled with many peaceful residents. It was a busy city. People would scurry off to and from other towns. It was the town that connected all. Until one day, a young boy was born. His name? Jared. He grew up quickly, earning fame as he terrorized other people for a living as he grew. Stealing old grandmother’s purses, quite pathetic yes, but for him, it was thrilling. He was stealthy, he could dash up to you, and take off with a personal belonging in a flash, leaving nothing but a dead corpse in his path. He was a monster, an assassin. read more