All posts by Ink

So whats shakin’ MMOtales?

Yeah. Im TehFuzz’s Author account. (No one probably knows me unless the’ve been here since this summer.)
I made a new account so that I could easily browse through what I sent in without having to go through my rants and whining.

Alright. You all will be hearing ALOT more from me soon.
Have fun guys.


War. [Part 1]

The smell of the mountains flushed my face with a gentle touch reminding me where I was.
I slowly creeped out of my hard crevasse bed and crackled my back. I looked around trying to recollect the reality of what happened yesterday.
And what did happen yesterday was something that was sure to be a milestone.
He had escaped that wretched island and his wretched parents.
He had done what all the teenagers wanted to do for decades.
He boarded the ship.
He got a job.
He was someone. read more