All posts by Hishori

The Life of a Maple Outcast: Part 6

Well I will be making atleast one of these per day, as I have been thus far. I’m trying to finish the series b4 school starts and its going 2 b a long series. Well here you go part 6, ENJOY! =D

I slept little that night. Mainly because of two things. One im happy that I actually have somewhere to go and some people to talk to, I didn’t like being a wonderer and it was lonly. So basically i’m excited about that fact, and reason two is the fact that we will be going deep into the ant tunnel and past, fighting on strong monsters. I have been to the ant tunnel before, but not that deep, and none of the monsters were above lvl 30. Hec said the monsters we were going to train on would be above 60. Maybe that even was a bit to tough for me on my first day. I knew Hec would be tough, like the other guild members told me yesterday, but wow isn’t this a bit to much?
As those thoughts ran through my mind, at around 4:00 in the morning I fell asleep.
“Hey Shannara,” I heard a voice say ” Wake up.”
I opened my eyes to check who the voice was coming from, and it was darrel the ice lightning mage.
“Come on man the others are already done with breakfast, were running late.” Darrel said again.
“Ughh… Man what time is it?” I asked still half asleep.
“Its 6:00 am, Hec told us to be woken up by 5:00, remember?” He replied
6:00 AM! WHAT?! I barely slept 2 hours. The statement ran through my mind.
” I’ll go down stairs and wait for you with the others, and lets hustle man.” Darrel said, with his back turned and walking out the door. Despite of the fact of how queit Darrel was, I knew he would be a cool person, it was a friendship in the making.
As tired as I was, and as little sleep as I had, I knew the others were counting on me to be ready. I can’t blow it on my first training day with the guild.
I got out of bed, took off my red polka dotted pajamas, and was out to the shower. I took a less then 2 minute shower because of the time, put on my blue crusader chainmail and took my zard. I was on my way out door, when I saw Hec come in. OHH NO! I thought to myself, is he mad at me for being late? Well glad to say he didn’t look like it.
“Mornin Shannara,” He said in his usual tone of voice, ” Were kinda late aren’t we?” Did you sleep good?”
“Yes,” I replied telling a slight lie.
“Well it sure don’t look like it” Hec stated the fact. ” Listen Shannara,” Hec said again with a change in voice ” The reason I came here today, was the fact that your zard looks mighty worn out.”
“No not really,” I replied trying to make the best of it. Although Hec did have a good point, This zard was about 4 years old, and it has been through a lot of battles with me. I thought to myself. But its old and the metal is already begining to rust on it, its blade also is and looked more dull.
” Well never the less Shannara, I came here because I want you to have something. I mean…. Ughhhh…. The guild and I want to give you something as a gift.”
I looked at him in suprise. A gift?
” Well I was never good at gifting presents to people, and dont have a lot of experience but here you go.” Helf said pulling something out something from his bag, but then I realized what that something was.
” A SPARTA.” I yelled in a pleasently suprised type of way. ” WHERE DID YOU GET THIS?” I asked happily.
” A friend gave it to me, whos a master swordsman.” Hec replied, ” He said if there will ever be a skilled warrior in my guild, give it to him.”
” Thank you,” I said out of joy, smiling at Hec. I looked at the blade of the sparta, it was silver like most blades, but a little purple added to it. The handle was great to grip, showing that in battle it would be hard to lose this. It was about the same size of my zard weighing less, but it was looking, feeling, and being far more deadly.
” C’mon” Hec said ” The others are waiting.”
So we went downstairs into the main big brown lobby. By the looks of it we were already checked out. Everybody was waiting, ready and looking at me in aww. They also seemed to know Hec was going to give me the sparta, because of the smiles on their faces.
” Everybody ready?” Hec said in a loud voice.
” Yes.” Everybody said in unison.
So just like that we were out of the sauna hotel, out of sleepywood, and into the ant tunnel.
The landscape of the ant tunnel was frightening. The landscapes colors were a lot of dark shadows and orange rock. We walked through it not really paying attention to any of it, but having our minds concentrated on what we were going to do. The monsters in the first part of the ant tunnel were easy, and we just walked right over them. After awhile of walking and jogging, we stopped for a short break at the 24 hour store in the middle of our journey. We didnt stop for long before we knew we were off again.
After awhile of walking and jogging again, I noticed that the landscape color of the ant tunnel was changing from orange to blue. Also I was noticing the monsters looked stronger. There were gaesers in the ground that did more damage then the ones earlier. There were ruins of old temples, here also. I thought to myself that anold civilization of mapers must have inhabited this place.
After what seemed like 10 hours of walking we came to a stop in front of old temple door, cemented to the rocks in this place.
” This is where the training and fighting part begins.” Hec said in a very serious tone of voice. ” I will be putting you into parties of 2, for this part. The parties are… Darrel and Matt will be together as one party, Then the next party will be I and Racheal, and the final party will be Jenna and Shannara.
Yes I’m glad I’m with Jenna, I thought to myself. I looked at her and she blushed, then she looked back at me with those pretty blue eyes.
The parties were assembled, and we were off through the big temple door.
When we got through the temple door we were on a platform that was a rock stuck to the rocky walls. We looked down and we say ground, but thats not the only thing we saw. We saw the meanest looking monsters I have ever seen. They were about 13 feet tall, with huge spears they were holding. They had horns and did not show there face. There were two kinds, some of them wore a red or orange(couldn’t tell which) armour, while the others wore blue armour.
” The ones with the blue armour are called taurospears, and they are the tougher ones. While the other ones are called tauromacis and are weaker.” Hec said in the most serious voice I ever heard him speak in” First try to stick to taurmacis, then once you get the hang of it move on to spears. But first look at me and see how I kill them, then after I killed one macis and one spear. Come down and start fighting.”
Hec put on copycat( a 3rd job sin move) that looked to be a high level. He then jumped in the middle of the room using the most skilled double jump I ever seen, and was off to fighting a macis. He used lucky seven, and his shadow did the same thing, a total of for hits, DOING 2K EACH A TOTAL OF 8K. Everyone stared in amazement at Hec and his skills I knew Hec was strong, BUT THIS! He could probably take on the darklord and beat him. Hec picked his next prey to be a spear. He used a different move this time called avenger on the spear, but by the looks of it this one wasnt going to be as easy. He hit Hec using his spear, and Hec was on the ground but he was up before you knew it. He used an avenger again and the Taurospear was down.
Then it was our turn. We got in out parties of 2 and came down. Me and jenna attacked a macis first like we were told. I HIT 3K ON THE MACIS. I never was able to do that before.
After about of an hour of killing spears and macis. With me pawning them with jenna’s assitance. We stopped and went ahead.
Hec stopped us after about 10 minutes of walking. “this door” he said ” leads to balrog.”
Everyone just went cold at the name. read more

The life of a maple outcast: part 4

Well umm here u go part 4 of my series. enjoy!

I woke up in a warm place and it was very relaxing, but I was sweating like crazy, maybe this was a bit to warm. Then I realized where I was. I was at the sauna in sleepy wood.
Right after I realized where I was questions popped into my mind. How did I get here? Where is that bandit? What happened to that girl? Right when I asked the last question I saw a girl, wait, no it wasn’t just any girl but it was the girl I was trying to save.
She noticed that I got up and said,”feeling any better?” In the most gentlest and warm voice I have ever heard.
” Yes I am but….”
“Shhhhhh,” she stopped me, and said, ” You probably have a lot of questions popping in your head at the moment. All of your questions will be answered right when I get back.”
She went out of my sauna room, not looking back when I realized how beautifull this girl really was. Before it was hard to tell but now I know.
I sighed in relief knowing for that she was a friend. But I still did not even know her name.
I tried to get out of my bed, but I realized how much my body still hurt and ached. I had a flashback to all that happened. Trying to save a girl, beating two bandits, and the leader beating me, when all of a sudden…. The pretty girl walked back into my sauna room but she was not alone. There was man behind her. He was a bit shorter then the average man, dressed in a blue china with a steel identity as a hat. He must have had a million battles with all the scars on his face as proof, so by the looks of it he was a skilled assasin.
The girl said in her calm and gentle voice like last time,” Now is the time that you have been waiting for, for your questions to be answered. I am sorry I cant answer them to you myself, because I was knocked out when it hall happened, to as you should know. But my guild leader and teacher will tell you all of it.”
“But first let us introduce ourselves.” The one the girl called teacher said in a firm voice.
” My name is is jenna” The girl said.
” And my name is hector ,but please call me hec.” The man said.
“Well it would be rude not introducing myself” I said finally being able to talk. “My name is Shannara.”
“Ohhh, what a pretty name.” Jenna said again in the most beautifull voice I heard.
“Well lets get down to business. Your probably wondering first what happened to that bandit.” Hec said again in his strong voice.
“Yes, i am” I answered.
“Well first of all that bandit Is a skilled bandit of the name Seichiro, He belongs in a gang called the shikoku gang. They are the most skilled and most dangerous gang in victoria. They are criminals of the worst evil, and are wanted for so many crimes. We are impressed that you were able to take down his 2 top bodygaurds. ” Hec said when he was about to continue but I interrepted him by saying” But not the leader.”
“Dont worry” Hec said in a more cheerfull voice. “Noone has ever been able to defeat seichiro, anyhow…” The tone of his voiced changed back to his reguluar one.” I found you knocked at right when he was about to finish you off, for good. I threw one of my star’s at him, he noticed me and got away. That does not really matter because all that matters is that you two are safe.”
I looked at him more seriously then before,” how did I get here, and how long have I been here?”
“Well when I found you and jenna you were both still knocked out, I called over mine and jenna’s guild members to help me carry to the sauna.Jenna’s damages werent as serious as yours so she recovered in a day, and was up and ready.” I looked at her noticing she was looking at me with those pretty blue eyes.”While you…” Hec continued ” While you were here sleeping for 3 days and this is your first time getting up. however you are still weak and badly damaged. Jenna’s heal wasnt enough so we kept you here recovering, in the sauna until you were better.”
Awww so jenna is a cleric the thought popped into my mind.
“Well you still need some recovery, hec said again, so you still wont be able to do any training, or whatever you are doing right now. But I mainly came here to ask you a favor.”
“And what might that be,” I asked curiously?
“Well I was mighty impressed the way you handled Seichiro’s top bodygaurds, richo and brock.Although I didn’t see it in person I knew it was you because of your zard marks on their bodies. And it takes some skill to defeat guys as tough as those.Soo the favor that I want to ask you is, If you have nowhere to go joi our guild.”
Just right after meating this guy, not knowing who he really is He wants me to join his guild!
“Now I dont need an answer yet, so think about it while recovering. Hec said again. Me, Jenna, and the rest of the guild will be waiting around here for your answer. You will be able to meet them later.”
And just like that when hec was done telling me all of those things, and asking me a favor Him and jenna walked out of the room.
“Bye” Jenna said shyly in her loving voice, blushing while she was walking out of the room.
After thinking some of what just happened over, I dozed off. read more

The life of a maple outcast: part 5

Well idk if I should just end this series or not, cuz obviously I thought this would b a great hit, but its not of course I have some fans, and Some others I dont. But The thing that makes me mad is that people post great work or great job on the comments, but it doesn’t show there name on the “they liked” it part. It makes me mad that some ppl dont have enough time to just say i like it when it doesnt even take a second(unless your comp just plain sucks) Well you can discuss this below on the comment part, but here you go. Part 5, I hope you enjoy. read more

The life of a maple outcast: tale 2

Thus continues my journey in the maple world..

The first day I of outcast maple acadamy was getting to know about wut this is, learning about different kinds of monsters we would be fighting, and meating our new classmates. There were 2 rogues, 2 mages, 2 bowmen, and me one warrior =/. So in total there was 7 people. A small class maple acadamy wise, but a big class outcast maple acadamy wise.
The rest of the next 3 years I would be spending in this class learning our powers, mastering new skills, and fighting new monsters. Meaning it would suck, but I did not know at the time and just went along with it.
Our classroom of course was a wagon, it was barely bigger then my wagon and 7 ppl were being crammed into thr. The next day we stopped with the whole entire outcast band during class and faught our first monsters as a class. I was suprised how much more damage i could do then the others. I did like 25-100 dmg now, while the bowmen did 20-50, the rogues did 15-35, and the mages couldnt do no damage except 1-5 -.-, cuz my teacher told us the mages werent very good until they learned skills.
So the rest of the year just flew by and I was 5 years old now ,and already bored as hell. And summer vacation was more then halfway over.
I told my parents that this was way to easy cuz all we did was fight monsters. But my parents just said,” trust us it will get more fun the upcoming year.” I also were getting the highest grades in the class but it was hard not to when my classmates Just socialized when we were supposed to be training on monsters.
The year started and my teacher said, ” that we will be having battles against each other this year.” Meaning me and my class mates will finally measure our strengths against each other. But first teacher said we each gota learn one skill. I thought its hard to learn a skill when were really not learning anything -.-*. But one day I had this strange feeling after killing a monster. The next monster I hit instead of doing my usual damage 100-200 I did 300. I told my teacher and showed him and he said, ” impressive shannara, this is callled power strike it is like a reguluar hit except by using mp it becomes more powerfull and has a charge to it, keep up the good work.”
I finally felt like I accomplished something but I also told the teacher i felt weaker and more exhausted now. The teacher gave me a blue pot, I drank it and felt good as new again. he said dont use up ur mp to much.
The next 2 years I was far greater then all of my classmates because I learned 3 skills and mastered while they only 1. My parents, and my teacher saw that I was special.
The next year I knew very little about the fact that I would go to a normal maple acadamy… read more