All posts by Guruji

Anarcho-Maniacs: Prologue

I’ve always thought about writing a story but was devoid of any idea that would make a proper story. Eh, so I thought I’d take an idea I had for a manga which i wanted to make and I wrote a prologue for it. Makes things easier to put into graphic novel form.

Anyway, the point of this is that it shows the “master plan” being initiated that brings the whole world into anarchy; Bavarian Illuminati style (not the ones from Dan Brown books)! read more

Guru the Weaponsmith

I suffer from a rare mix of writer’s block (the controversy kind) and an aritst’s block (the traditional kind) right now. It is taking me apart from teh inside with a gut wrenching feeling of nothingness. It’s an odd description, however, it’s the most fitting.

Well, I’ve been making MS based weapons lately.

I thought I’d post them up; thus this blog. read more

MS: Keyblade ~ By Guruji

Here is the keyblade i just made for the private server 😀

I’m gonna make a whole list of different weapons so watch out guys and girls!

To Do List:
~An Organization Coat

And if anyone has requests. I’ll listen and make something (weapons only)

“Just Us”~ Guru

I drew this up.


On the side note; I am sucking badly in midterms…



And on the private Maplestory server I made a sprite for a keyblade weapon. The kingdom key. read more

Guru’s New World Order: Rant

I’ve had it with imbeciles who exist to only be the bane of this world’s existance. They express themselvs in the most narrow-minded way. They aren’t liberal. They aren’t conservative. They aren’t hackers. They aren’t anti-hackers.

I speak of idiots, morons, and stupid people (who may fall under either of any categories stated in the preceding sentences). Such people are usually too late to change themselvs and deserve to be crushed, destroyed, and then tested upon as lab rats; so that we can find the stupidity gene and disable it so that their future generations won’t suffer. read more

Death to a Loser; A Plea For Forgiveness

You really are an annoying retard. It’s obvious I did not copy and you just want to be a fool for stating that.

So I’ll make a blog addressing it. ^^;

A message I sent to a retard named “SilentXhill”.

However, what did he do to me? Simple, he committed slander. What is slander?


• words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another
• aspersion: an abusive attack on a person’s character or good name
• defame: charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; “The journalists have defamed me!” “The article in the paper sullied my reputation” read more