Well i was training on my warrior in pig beach. and my friend and my other friend start dissing me up for NO reason at all. They cept calling me a rapist a loser and they say i rape my mom -_-. and they yell at me and diss me up cause im a sin -_- and they say i should’ave been a bandit. so i deleted them both. Then about 1 min later one of them come to ks me ( applearcher1 ) so i defame him. and he starts cussing me up and he sais that he didnt cuss and diss me up. he insults me cause i suck at math JUST BECAUSE I SUCK AT MATH DOESNT MEAN I LIE ABOUT MY Age -___- Sorry. im just pissed and i hate people like him. and if any of you see Tesret and Applearcher1 can u please defame them? i’ll appriciate it alot. thanks
All posts by Flyingp000
i owned a mm with snail shells XD
well i was on my thief (FIyingPo0o) but i got bored of training and since yesterday i died while trying to kill a mushmom (mm) on my warrior i decided to try 1 more time so i went to henesys hunting ground and started to buy snail shells i bought about 565 altho i only needed 500 but i bought more just in case so me and my friend whos a lvl 40 page (penguinbIade) went to somone elses houses (where mm spawnes) we were in ch 20 unfortunetly there was a lvl 80 ranger there. so we cced to ch 19 and what luck! it was empty the mm was there!!!
so i started to fight it i bought about 150 pots but i ran out then my friend luckly gave me 100 more pots 15 mins later (yea it took pretty long to kill it >_>) i ran out of pots again and so did my friend so he went back to town and got pots now i have to owe him like 100k ._. well aabout 5 mins later we killed mm XD i got like 9xx exp
and no drops =( exept for spore and money well it was worth it even tho it took like 20 mins but it was fun