Well, so I made it. My goal at the begining of the month was to hit level 70 on or by December 1st, and I did so yesterday morning. Half the guild came to watch me hit 70 at the Tauros! It was a good time/ I got the entire thing on video, expect a YouTube video in the near future.
I died twice on Athena.
She was alot tougher than I had expected. The Tauros she summoned were the least of my problems. So, I got my 1-point of Strafe, and man, it’s awsome! The damage isn’t THAT bad, but it’s so much fun! I can’t help but to use it alot, even though it’s not MP efficient.
I think December’s goal will be to hit 80, or if that winds up being too easy, 85. Well, I gotta go train, so I’ll end this blog here.
All posts by Flashsaber36
Yay, DitSabre made his job advance =)
Goodie. On Sunday, my Dit hit level 30, and I made the job advance. I recorded the whole thing and made a video, but I didn’t put it on YouTube because I honestly thought it was pretty boring (but the music helped ). Also, today Nexon had some tech issues (with the roll backs and stuff) so everyone on Maple got 2x EXP. Sweet. But then I noticed: I have a 2x EXP card, so I was actually getting 4x EXP! SWEET! I went from 30%-90% in like and hour and a half worth of training. ^_^ Then again, before I knew it, ALL the Coolie Zombie maps were full, so I went back to STDs to get my last 10%. Now that I’m level 65, Im gonig to start looking for a Bow of Magical Destruction. Only 5 more levels to go until 3rd job!!!
…Dang! (Level 62)
Hey guys, sorry I haven’t blogged in a while. I guess I better get you caught up with what happened in the past few weeks. So, I hit level 62 on Sunday. I’m far behind my goal of hitting 70 by December 1st, but I can probably still pull it off. My 2x EXP ran out last Thursday so I haven’t been training near as fast, but i will be getting more NX on Friday when I get paid and that should get me training at a decent speed again. Also, I’m practically rich (for my level) now. I bought a booster box of the Maple iTCG and I sold the items you get from it, and I got a good 120 mill worth of profit. So I went and bought a 12 jump 6 DEX snowshoe and a 9 ATT WG and started training at Cooolies, because STDs are far too slow when I don’t have 2x EXP. The nice boost of equips made my training speed a lot faster, plus I wouldnt be able to train at Coolies without it. I also had my name changed from Flashsaber36 to EclipseSabre. Most of my friends didn’t recognize me! Well, I have to go to work soon, so I guess I’ll end my blog here. See ya later!
Level 60!! =D
At last. Today, I hit level 60. Unfourtunately, I failed my shiny new Asianic Bow 3 times. Oh well. Other than that, not much happened today. I’m just one step closer to my goal of level 70 by December 1st.
Halloween…and the GMs.
Well, first I’d like to welcome you to my new blog. I’ll be telling the story of my currnetly level 58 Hunter in Scania. Anywho, yeah, I got off work early today, which was nice, so I logged on Maple. First thing I see is blue text a the bottom of my screen: [Notice]: MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! So I wait a bit and go to Kerning. As soon as I got there BOOM. Lagged out. Instantly. So Ilogged back in, and there’s a GM bouncing around summoning the aliens from Omega Sector. My frame rate was horrendous. And so the GM continued to bounce from town to town sommoning stuff, posting silly notices in blue text. Then I had to go hand candy to the kids so I couldn’t play. Bummer. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.